Ezekiel 46:1-24

Sacrifices are to be a part of the system of worship in the new temple.  There is special allowance made for the prince and there are specific instructions for the people.  The times and the places are clearly given as well as the quantity of animals and grains to be offered.  These sacrifices are in larger quantities than they were in the Mosaic Law.  However the frequency of the sacrifices has been diminished.  These orders are clearly given and every indication is that they will be willingly followed.  This willingness and obedience reflects a true change of heart that will take place in the lives of God’s people.  This is always God’s desire in every generation.

THE PRINCE AND THE PEOPLE’S SACRIFICIAL SCHEDULE: The days that are set aside for sacrifice in mass in this new temple are the Sabbath and the New Moon.  The prince is to come through east gate while the people are to come through the north and south gates and then leave through the opposite one.  The amount of each offering is specified.  There is also a daily offering that is offered at each evening instead of the morning and evening sacrifices that were to be offered under the Mosaic Law.  This new temple clearly has similarities to the previous temples but there are also contrasts.  The main emphasis on worship is what should stand out as God’s overriding motive and desire in all generations.  God created us to be worshipers and He is honored when we fulfill that mandate.   

THE PRINCE AND HIS PROPERTY AND PLACE OF PERPETRATION: The prince is given an allotment of property which he is free to distribute amongst His sons as it is part of their inheritance, however if his land is sold to someone outside of the family it was only sold for the period of time between the time of sale and what is called the year of liberty.  The place of preparation for all of the sacrifices is also described and was to be set aside for the priests to observe and be sure that things were done in and orderly fashion.  The number of people coming in and out of the temple area seems to very large as the hearts of men seem to have been changed and they now take great delight in obedience and worship.  These too should  be our delights. 


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