Zechariah 11:1-17

Many times when we think that things are as bad as they can get; we go from bad to worse.  Zechariah prophesies in a time when Israel has just been restored from a very brutal and devastating captivity.  The nation is just now beginning to dig out from the rubble and become reestablished as a nation and people.  One would hope that the captivity under Babylon and Persia was as bad as it could get.  Sadly, Zechariah is here to proclaim that they have not seen anything yet.  This rebellious nation will continue to rebel and they will suffer far more than they have suffered to date.  The same could be said of all today who have rejected Christ.  They ignorantly claim that they are experiencing “hell on earth.”  There is no such thing.  The worst suffering on this earth is only a drop in the bucket compared to the eternal torment of hell.  For all who reject Christ things really will go from bad to worse.  Zechariah foretells the coming rejection of Messiah by the nation of Israel and the consequences of that rejection.

THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE: The paint was still wet on the temple that had been built in Zechariah’s day.  He had demonstrated to them that even though this temple was smaller it would, in some respects, be more glorious than Solomon’s extravagant temple.  This was due to the presence of Messiah in the temple.  However, despite the prophetic warnings and the very presence of Messiah amongst the people; He was rejected and crucified by them.  He had come as Prophet, Priest and King but they wanted no part of Him and He was sold for 30 pieces of silver.  Zechariah symbolizes this rejection and the result is that this temple will be destroyed.  When the Romans conquered Jerusalem, Titus, the Emperor, instructed the soldiers to preserve the temple but God’s Word was more powerful and it was burned to the ground.  The siege of the Romans on Jerusalem made the siege of the Babylonians look like child’s play.  The Babylonian captivity lasted for 70 years.  In many respects, this captivity is still in effect.  The amazing thing is that the worst is still yet to come.

THE DEVASTATION OF THE NATION: When Jesus came to the nation of Israel He came as their Messiah.  He was and is the King who would fulfill all of the covenants for the people.  Throughout Israel’s history they had received prophets, priests and kings, some of which had warned the people but most of which had lead the people astray.  God Himself took on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ and He came to be Prophet, Priest and King in the midst of this nation.  He came to be the Good Shepherd who would care for the flock and lead the flock into abundant and peaceful pastures.  The people rejected Him and hung Him on a cross.  This caused Him to turn from the covenant that was made with the people and He would protect and provide for them no more.  They would no longer be seen as distinct from the Gentile nations.  This is the reality in which we now live.  The Israel of today lives as a secular nation that does not worship God in spirit and in truth.  There is still a massive judgment to come on this nation that, in many respects, will be more devastating than anything they have experienced.  This will occur under the reign of Anti-Christ during the tribulation.  The rejection of Jesus will always lead to devastation.  


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