Zechariah 13:1-9

Purification is a painful process.  When we purify metals we use fire with extreme heat to burn away the impurities from the precious metals.  This process of refining makes the finished product much more valuable.  God does the same with His people.  He uses suffering and many trials to burn away the sinfulness of our lives and conforms us to the image of His Son.  This may be painful and discouraging but the final result is that true believers bring greater glory to God and experience a joy in Christ that far exceeds the suffering that may take place in the process. 

THE DESTRUCTION OF FALSE PROPHETS: Everything that is valuable runs the risk of being falsified.  People do not make counterfeits of things that are worthless.  Throughout the history of the nation of Israel God had sent many true prophets of God to reveal to them the will of God and call them to a life of obedience.  These men of God had a vital role in the nation and were truly sent by God.  Unfortunately, other men arose and pretended to be prophets but their teachings were contrary to the Word of God and led the people astray.  God’s instruction for these false prophets was that they were to be killed.  Through the years, the people became tolerant of these false prophets because their message was much more enjoyable to hear than the message of God.  This toleration of error made idolatry prolific in the land and caused the people to live in great sin.  Zechariah foresees a day when the false teachers will not be tolerated.  They will be exposed and destroyed along with all of the idols that were worshiped because of their influence.

THE DELIVERANCE OF TRUE FOLLOWERS: A day is coming when the hearts of the children of Israel will be changed.  When even the false teachers will turn from their wicked ways and admit that they are not prophets.  They will expose themselves and no longer deceive the nation.  This refining process of the nation will cause two thirds of the nation to be swept away in judgment, but the remaining third will be refined by this process and they will be delivered.  God will save them from their sin and they will follow Christ as a nation.  They will worship God and call themselves by His name and He will be proud to be their God.  This deliverance and conversion that is coming upon the nation will be a fulfillment of all the prophecies of God for Israel.  I believe that today the nation of Israel is still under the process of bring scattered and punished.  This will continue to intensify even through the time of Anti-Christ.  However, a day of redemption is coming and there will be true repentance and restoration for those who survive the judgment and see the coming of Messiah.  


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