Zechariah 14:1-21

The second coming of Christ is an event that seems to be described in this passage.  Since this event is still in the future, there is language in this description that is difficult for us to comprehend.  I believe that when these events are taking place the exact interpretation for some of these things will become clear.  There are a few things that seem to be clear in general terms from which we can learn and for which we ought to prepare.  Much was revealed about Christ’s first advent but the people were not prepared so we would be wise to always be ready for the second coming of Jesus.  There are two basic truths surrounding Christ’s second coming that we should recognize and be prepared for.

THE SAINTS WILL SUFFER: The time leading up to the second coming of Christ will be a time of great tribulation on this earth.  Revelation describes wars, famine and plagues that will all be a part of life on earth in the years before the return of Christ.  It will not be a time of peace on this earth.  Those who follow Christ will be the primary targets of the persecution that will be taking place on the planet.  We can see today a huge tendency in our world to inflict pain and suffering on those who follow Jesus.  It has been that way since the days of the apostles and it will continue until the return of Christ.  As the return of Jesus approaches we can expect for this suffering to escalate.  We should not allow the suffering of the saints to alarm us but must recognize that it is simply a part of the process that God is using to prepare this world for His return.

THE WORLD WILL WORSHIP: The return of Christ to this earth will be far different from His first coming.  He will not come in secret as a babe in a manger.  He will come in the clouds for all to see and His arrival will be known world-wide.  The fall of those who have rebelled against God will be very clear at that time as they will be judged.  However, all of the suffering and hardship on the planet during the time leading up to His coming will cause a great revival on the earth and many will trust in the Lord from all over the world.  The result of this revival will be that all the nations of the world will worship the Lord Jesus.  When Jesus returns to this earth there will be great celebration as all the nations clearly understand the truth about who God is and what He has done to redeem us from sin.  Those of us who have trusted Christ ought to be living this reality today and seeking to spread the message of hope we have through the Gospel.  It is the best thing we can do to prepare for the return of Christ.


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