Zechariah 4:1-14

Zechariah now has a vision of a lamp stand with two olive trees on either side of it.  This vision is to represent the presence of God in the midst of His people and His empowerment of Zerubbabel and Joshua to complete the construction of the temple.  It is useless to take on any endeavor without the presence and power of God.  The task may be accomplished but it will not be for the glory of God and will not provide us with eternal reward.  Only what is done for and through Christ is of eternal significance. 

THE PRESENCE OF GOD: The lampstand that is described in this vision is identical to the one described in the original construction of the tabernacle.  It symbolizes the presence of God in the midst of His people.  God has promised His blessing on the efforts of Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple.  The foundation of the temple had been constructed but there had been a pause in the process so with the loss of momentum there was a question as to whether or not the job would get done.  The Lord revels to Zechariah that indeed the job will be finished and that He would empower Zerubbabel to do it so the job would be done in this generation not some far off date.  The presence of God is essential to accomplish any task.

THE POWER OF GOD: The benefit of being in the presence of God is that it gives access to the power of God.  All that is done for the glory of God is accomplished through the power of God.  It is not by our might or through our intelligence that the will of God takes place, but through the power of His Spirit.  Zerubbabel would finish the construction of the temple and Joshua would lead the people in worship and revival; not because of their might or power but because of the work of God’s Spirit in their lives.  Any task that we face can be accomplished through the power of God.  There are two olive trees on either side of the candle stick.  They seem to represent Zerubbabel and Joshua.  They walked in God’s presence so they enjoyed God’s power.  All that we seek to accomplish in life is only made possible through the power of God.


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