Zechariah 6:1-15

The Lord our God is the King of all that is.  He rules and reigns over the nations of the world, the circumstances of our lives and the human leaders of this planet are all under His sovereignty.  Zechariah has two visions in this chapter about colored horses with chariots and about crowns for the high priest, Joshua.  Both of these visions seem to have immediate and future fulfillments as well as reference to the both the first and the second advent off the Lord Jesus.  Admittedly, there can be a great deal of discussion and confusion about what these interpretations might be, but one thing is certain, God is sovereign over us and the world in which we live.

GOD’S ABILITY TO RULE: This vision of four horses seems to be teaching of God’s ability to rule over all the nations of the world.  He sets up the nations and He tears them down according to His sovereign will.  These four sets of different colored horses seem to represent the four nations that rule over the nation of Israel as revealed in Daniel.  The Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans have, to a certain extent, ruled over the nation of Israel since the time of the captivity until now.  God has allowed this rule so in reality; it is God who is ruling over the nation of Israel as well as all of these other nations.  The horses in this vision are going to judge these nations and we have seen this judgment take place as all of these nations have fallen to one another.  However, there seems to be a correlation between the colors of these horses and the one mentioned in Revelation during the time of the tribulation.  God still has plans to judge the nations of the world and He will rule over them supremely according to His power.  We can rest in that truth as well as recognize that the Lord still has a plan to judge the nations and we must prepare and help others prepare for this coming judgment.

GOD’S AUTHORITY TO REIGN: The next vision is one of crown makers coming from Babylon to make a crown and place it on Joshua’s head.  This seems to indicate that Joshua the high priest in Zechariah’s day would reign over the nation of Israel as its authority.  The temple would be rebuilt and God would establish His authority over the nation through the priest.  This seems to be the immediate fulfillment of the vision.  However, there seems to be a prefiguration of the coming reign of the Lord Jesus Christ and His reign as well.  Jesus was born from the royal line of David so has every right to rule over Israel.  Jesus did not assume the throne at His first coming but Scripture indicates that He will reign over all the nations at His second coming.  Some see this fulfillment in a literal kingdom on earth while others see this as being Christ’s eternal reign.  The truth is that no matter how this might be fulfilled in the future; the Lord Jesus Christ has the authority to reign as King of King and Lord of Lords and one glorious day He will be crowned as such.


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