Matthew 11:25-35

25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. 26 “Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. 27 “All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.
28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

God chooses the most unlikely people.  Smart and strong people are who most people are looking to hire for their companies.  God chooses the weak and the weary.  The reason men look to recruit the smart and the strong is that they need help so they look for the people with the most to offer.  God has no such need.  God’s desire is to share His perfect joy with those who worship Him.  Smart and strong people are usually much more interested in being worshiped than then are in worshiping.  We were created to depend on God, bring glory to God and worship Him.  We will only find true joy and fulfillment as we consecrate ourselves to these pursuits.  When men begin to compete with God and other men for worship; they end up angry, frustrated, worried and depressed.  Worshipers don’t find satisfaction in being worshiped no matter how much Satan, society and our own hearts try to convince us otherwise.

GOD GIVES REVELATION TO THE WEAK: Jesus praises the Father for His wisdom in revealing Himself to infants and for hiding Himself from the wise and intelligent.  Smart people think they are capable of understanding and explaining everything and even go so far as thinking they must be able to comprehend everything.  This may sound noble, but in reality, it is nothing more than pride and self-idolatry.  God chooses to revel Himself to the humble who simply trust Him.  Faith is the requirement for pleasing God.  As long as we are trusting ourselves we will never trust God.  God has revealed Himself perfectly in Jesus.  The only way to know the Father is to know the Son and vice-versa.  If we want to enjoy the pleasure of worshiping God; we must humble ourselves, place our faith in Jesus and depend on Him.  That is the only path to joy and peace in our lives.  Knowing, loving and worshiping God is what we were created to do so our joy will be proportional to fulfilling this mandate.

JESUS GIVES REST TO THE WEARY: We live in a world that groans under the curse sin.  Our hearts are infected with sin.  These realities make life on this earth difficult and tiresome.  Sin takes a terrible toll on our hearts, minds and bodies.  The Good News is that when we recognize our sin, regret our sin and repent of our sin; we can find relief from our sin by coming to Jesus.  He invites those who are weary and weak to come to Him and find rest for our souls.  The way that He brings rest and relief to weary souls is by taking His yoke upon us.  It sounds very strange to think that those who are weak and heavy laden are called to take on a yoke.  But we are not called to take on just any yoke.  In reality, Jesus invites us to join Him in His yoke.  Only when we come to Jesus and come in line with His mission and learn of Him will we be able to find the rest we so desperately need.  Jesus does not place a heavy yoke on us; He is right by our side which makes any circumstance light and can liberate us from the weight of any sin.  It is a wonderful blessing to be able to find rest and relief from sin through faith and submission to the Lord Jesus Christ.

APPLICATION: Humble ourselves before the Lord and dedicate ourselves to knowing and worshiping Him with all our hearts.  Recognize the privilege that it is to know God and rejoice in the fact that He has revealed Himself to us through the Lord Jesus.  Seek for relief from sin by coming to Jesus and joining Him in His mission in the world.  Trust, rest and rejoice in knowing, loving, serving and worshiping Him.


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