Matthew 12:43-45

43 “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. 44 “Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. 45 “Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.”

The spirit world one about which we have very limited knowledge and even less access.  It is a real world that has significant impact on the events of this earth and our lives but there are many things about it that are hidden from us.  The Scriptures tell us all we need to know about angels and daemons.  We are instructed to pray concerning this spiritual warfare.  There are examples from Scripture of Jesus and the Apostles casting daemons out of people.  However, we are not given clear instructions that require us to follow these examples.  Today’s text gives us a brief insight into the dangers of daemons in the lives of those who are not saved and inhabited by the Holy Spirit.  Our protection from daemons is through salvation from our sin by trusting Jesus.

THE DANGER OF LIBERATION WITHOUT SALVATION: In this story, a man is liberated from a daemon.  We are not told how this liberation took place, but we can presume from the context that Jesus was referring to a daemon that had been cast out of a man.  This provides great relief to the person but does not provide permanent protection.  From the passage, it appears that daemons are not comfortable in an unattached state.  This daemon, at least, seems desperate to find “rest” in another person.  Unfortunately, the person from whom the daemon was cast in this illustration, does not trust in Jesus.  His life has been cleaned up but his heart is still unoccupied.  This leaves that man vulnerable to the daemon’s return.  The key to being protected from daemons is faith in the cross of Christ which allows the Holy Spirit to enter our lives and keep our hearts occupied.  Jesus performed many miracles including the casting out of daemons; but many men continued to doubt him and refused to recognize Him as Messiah.  This left these people, like all people without Christ, vulnerable to daemons.

THE DANGER OF MULTIPLICATION WITHOUT SALVATION: The only thing worse that being possessed by a daemon is to be possessed by multiple daemons.  Jesus warns that those who are liberated from a daemon but refuse to trust in Him for salvation are at risk of the multiplication of daemons in their lives.  The first daemon decides to see if it can return to its original “home” and finds that it is still unoccupied so he then goes and invites other daemons to possess that person with him.  Apparently, he rationalizes that while he was alone he was week and could be cast out; so now he decides to invite other daemons more powerful than he to come and join him in the process of destroying this person.  Satan is striving to erase the image of God on the face of the earth.  Since men are created in God’s image; Satan would like nothing more than to see all men destroyed.  Fortunately, there are holy angels at work to prevent the destruction of men.  The Holy Spirit is more powerful than Satan and all the daemons of the world.  He is the One in whom we must trust and in whom we can rest assured of protection He affords.

APPLICATION: Trust in Jesus Christ for salvation from sin so that we can be forgiven of sin and have protection from Satan and his daemons.  Don’t dabble in the spirit world apart from proclaiming the Gospel; casting out daemons without proclaiming the Gospel leaves the person vulnerable to worse attacks.  Pray for the advance of the Gospel in the world and thank God for His protection in our lives.  


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