Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Choices are the determining factor in all of our lives.  The quality of our life on earth and the destiny of our eternal life are determined by the choice we make.  It may seem like we have an infinite number of options from which to choose, but there really is only one choice between two different options.  Jesus has been preaching about God’s righteousness in contrast to man’s self-righteousness.  The message has been powerful, eloquent and clear.  There can be no mistake about the difference between these two options.  Now it is simply time to choose.  It is not enough to admire the teachings of Christ.  A choice must be made.  Jesus leaves no room for doubt as to which choice we should make and why we should choose it.  He flat out tells us what choice to make and then He makes some very poignant comparisons between the two choices so we can know exactly why we should make that choice.

THE COMMANDMENT: Jesus commands that we enter the narrow gate.  He didn’t say to admire or appreciate the narrow gate.  He said to enter it.  Many people look at the teachings of Jesus and are impressed by the wisdom and beauty of His instructions.  He clearly taught what to do in an authoritative way.  Today’s society is drowning in the sea of relativity where tolerance and diversity are considered to be the greatest virtues.  Jesus has a far different way.  He presents the one and only way that man can be saved from his sin.  We are all sinners that are born on the wrong path.  This wrong path may seem like it has many different options; but the reality is that there is only one final result.  In order to escape the path on which we were born; we must enter the narrow gate.  We must repent of our sin and trust in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross as the only means by which we can find forgiveness and be reconciled to God.  Jesus is the true Way and the only Way we can find forgiveness of our sin and be reconciled to God.

THE COMPARISON: Jesus wants to make sure that we all understand the clear difference between to the path on which we were born and the path He wants us to choose.  He makes four comparisons between the two paths.  Wide vs Small Gate: How we enter the path on which we will walk in life is a gate.  Jesus has already told us to enter the small gate.  It will not be an easy choice to make but it is a necessary choice.  The wide gate is easy and inviting while the small gate seems far less attractive.  We must be intentional about entering the small gate.  Broad vs Narrow Way: Once we enter the gate, the way on which we travel is very different.  The way on which we were born is broad, comfortable and seems natural to us.  The narrow way is confining and uncomfortable.  God has not called us to be comfortable.  He has called us to be like Jesus.  If we are going through life with ease and comfort we must stop to evaluate which path we are truly following.  Destruction vs Life Destination: This is the central truth of this contrast between the two choices.  The wide way will eventually lead to destruction while the narrow way leads to eternal life.  In order to be condemned by God we don’t need to do anything.  We are already condemned in our sin.  The only way that leads to eternal life is through faith in Jesus.  The way of religion, the way of good works and the way of self-righteousness may seem like different ways but they are all just different aspects of the same wide way that ends up in hell.  Jesus died to save us from that destiny.  We must place our faith in His work on the cross instead of our futile efforts in order to arrive at eternal life.  Many vs Few Followers:  The saddest truth in this text is the numbers of people on each path.  Many will choose the path of sin and destruction while few will choose the path of faith and forgiveness that leads to living in God’s presence forever.  The majority is not always right and when it comes to eternal life; the majority is dead wrong.  It is not easy to leave the crowd of the majority but God requires it of all who believe.

APPLICATION: We must make a clear and intentional choice between God’s righteousness and our own.  It is of eternally vital importance that we evaluate the way on which we walk.  Comfort and a lot of company are very bad indications that we are on the path to destruction.


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