Matthew 8:1-4

1 When Jesus came down from the mountain, large crowds followed Him. 2 And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” 3 Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 4 And Jesus said to him, “See that you tell no one; but go, show yourself to the priest and present the offering that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

There are times we enjoy so much that we wish they would never come to an end.  I would imagine that Jesus thoroughly enjoyed teaching and that the people were enjoying listening.  Following the Sermon on the Mount Jesus came down from the mountain with large crowds following Him.  As wonderful as it might have been to just stay on the mountain and teach the people; Jesus knew that it was necessary for Him to come down and continue spreading the Gospel.  The ministry is always about people.  There were many people listening to Jesus, but He was passionate about spreading the Gospel to different people.  He moved from place to place in order to be able to spread His message to others.  It is easy for us to get comfortable in our routine and with the people that are surrounding us.  New people and different surroundings always take adjustment and cause a certain level of discomfort.  God often calls us to leave our comfort zone as we serve Him.

A CONFIDENT REQUEST: As Jesus is coming down the mountain a leper bows down before Him and makes an amazing statement: “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”  We don’t know how this man heard about Jesus.  What we do know is that he recognized Jesus as Lord, humbled himself before Jesus by bowing down and had complete confidence in the power of Jesus.  This leper was courageous and confident.  His sickness would have left him ostracized in the society.  He must have been desperate to be cured.  He knew he had a great need and He brought that need to Jesus.  Too often our pride or timidity keep us from having this kind of boldness in prayer.  Jesus had just finished teaching His disciples about prayer and now we see a great example of how prayer should work in our lives.  We must recognize our need, believe in the power of God, worship before Him and simply ask Him to do what we desire in submission to His will.  We do not come to Jesus making demands but humbly requesting Him to work in accordance with His will.  Pride and timidity are the enemies of prayer.

A COMPASSIONATE RESPONSE: Jesus was moved by the faith of this leper and healed him.  He simply said that He was willing to heal him and by His words the man was made clean.  The most persistent diseases and even death are all under the authority of Jesus.  There is nothing that is beyond His ability to solve.  It is not always His will to cure every illness but He is always able to do so.  After the leper was healed Jesus told him to go show the priest so he could be declared clean according to the Law and to be quite about how he had been healed.  Jesus wanted to make sure the law was fulfilled but He also wanted to avoid a massive number of people that might come simply wanting to see miracles.  Physical healing was a part of what Jesus did but His main focus was the truth of the Gospel that would bring spiritual healing to the hearts of men.  Jesus has compassion of the needs of men but He also knows that our main need is not physical, but spiritual.

APPLICATION: Take our requests to the Lord is courage and confidence.  Don’t make demands of the Lord in prayer but humbly ask Him to accomplish His will in our lives.  Be more concerned about our spiritual state than our physical well-being.


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