Matthew 7:12 Luke 6:31

12 “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
31 “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
Simplicity is one of my favorite things.  There is something wonderful about taking things or thoughts and making them simple.  That is one of my main goals when I teach and write this blog.  This is one of my favorite verses because it crystalizes and simplifies one of our main responsibilities as believers in a way that is very hard to forget and impossible to misunderstand.  Unfortunately, as easy as this truth is to understand, it is very hard to consistently put into practice.  We are, by nature, selfish and have a very hard time placing the needs of others above our own.  In order to accomplish difficult tasks, it is sometimes helpful to break them down into smaller steps.  That is what I hope to be able to do with the “Golden Rule.” 

HOW - THE RESEARCH: In order to be able to obey this commandment about treating others it is important for us to do some soul searching and research.  If I am going to treat others as I would like to be treated; I must know how I would like to be treated.  Most of the time, we simply respond to people instinctively according to how they are treating us.  This is a natural way to live our lives but it is not pleasing to God.  Before we respond to any situation, we must stop and take time to analyze the right way to respond.  One of the best ways to do this is to simply ask the question: What would I wish for someone to do if the tables were turned?  One of the basic rules of communication is to think before you talk.  It is also good advice to think before you respond to any situation.  God wants us to consider our words and actions carefully.  This involves the discipline of stopping to think about what we would like before we respond. 

WHAT - THE RESPONSE: This is the hardest part of the process: actually doing what we know to be right.  As important as it is to stop and think about what we would like others to do to us; it is not enough.  We must follow through on that information and do it.  This is the spiritual problem we all face.  Many times, we know what we should do.  We simply don’t want to do it.  The Bible teaches us that we have corrupt hearts and minds that often lead down paths of sinfulness.  God empowers us through His Spirit to be able to overcome the desires of our sinful hearts and obey Him.  His will and the well-being of others must be priorities in our lives.  There is very little more to be said about this, it simply comes down to doing what we know is right.

WHY - THE REASON: Jesus concludes this thought by giving some basic motivation.  When we treat others as we would like to be treated, we are fulfilling the Law and the Prophets.  God has revealed Himself to us in His Word.  The Bible is a very big book and it can be very complicated for us to understand and remember all that the Bible demands.  Jesus makes it all very simple for us.  If we will truly practice this one command; we will be in compliance with all that was taught in the Law and the Prophets.  There are great rewards associated with obeying God’s Word.  It will make our lives on earth much more enjoyable.  Our relationships will be rewarding and we will be at peace with all the people around us.  More importantly, God will be pleased with our lives and has promised eternal rewards to those who love and obey Him.

APPLICATION: Take time to think about how we would like to be treated before responding to any situation.  Make the commitment to follow through on doing what we know to be right.  Think about the rewards of obedience and the consequences of disobedience as a constant means of motivation in our lives.


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