Isaiah 39:1-8
Finishing well is a very hard thing to do. Hezekiah was one of Judah’s best kings. He tore down idols, called out to the Lord in times of trouble and worshiped God in times of deliverance; but he did not finish well. His legacy would have been far greater had he died instead of living the extra fifteen years. No matter how old we are and no matter how many victories God grants in our lives, it only takes one failure to mar a reputation and scar ones legacy. God calls us to lean on Him for our direction and to honor Him in all circumstances of our lives from the start to the finish. Starting well is normal, finish well is supernatural. HEZEKIAH FALLS INTO ARROGANCE: When Hezekiah recovers from his illness he receives a delegation from the land of Babylon that supposedly came to congratulate him on his recovery. The reality is they were more than likely coming to spy out the land. Hezekiah is so relieved by his prolonged life and his vi...