Jeremiah 32:1-44
Change is very hard for us to accept, especially when that
change is a negative one from our perspective.
The nation of Israel finds itself in a state of transition and really
does not know what the future holds.
They had wrongly assumed they could live in their sin and not suffer any
consequences but now they are being besieged by Babylon and Jeremiah is letting
them know they will be taken captive and Jerusalem would fall. However in the midst of all this chaos,
Jeremiah is told to purchase a field and put the dead to the field in a clay
pot. This was God means of illustrating
the future change He would make in Israel’s plight. There is hope for the future and God has not
forgotten His promises to His people.
THE PURCHASE OF A FIELD: The city is under siege. Jeremiah has been imprisoned by the king of
Judah for having prophesied the fall of Judah and the destruction of Jerusalem
as well as the king’s impending meeting with Nebuchadnezzar. In the midst of all this chaos, Jeremiah is
offered the opportunity to purchase a field and God tells him to do it. Purchasing a field in a nation that is about
to be conquered is just about the same thing as throwing money to the
wind. However God tells Jeremiah to do
it as a means of illustrating that there is hope for the nation even if it is
in the distant future. God is faithful
to not allow us to keep us from falling into despair if we will only listen to
His Word. Things may be very difficult in
this life but God does have a plan and He is in control. The future is in His hands and He is always
faithful and just.
THE PERSISTENCE OF FAILURE: The reason Israel and Judah have
come to this point in their lives is their persistence of failure to honor and
worship God. Instead, the people have generation
after generation followed idols, practiced injustice and lived in sin. God had warned them repeatedly of the
consequences of this type of action but they simply refused to listen and
continued to live in this state of rebellion against the Lord. God’s wrath had been provoked for generation
after generation and the people had mistakenly taken His patience for
indifference. This same attitude
persists in today’s world as well. Today’s
culture is given over to evil and idolatry.
The fear of God seems to have vanished from the large majority of
people. They mistakenly assume that God
does not care, is powerless to do anything about it or that God simply does not
exist. Israel found out this was not
true and one day this modern world will be in for a very rude awakening when
God reveals Himself as judge.
HE PROMISE OF A FUTURE: Jeremiah asks God why he was supposed
to purchase the field and God reveals to him his purpose in this plan. God wants to assure His people that even
though they are being taken captive and their land is being destroyed there is
still hope for the future. God’s
promises for the nation are secure and He will restore them to the land and
allow them to live in the land securely forever. Jeremiah’s purchase is symbolic of the future
reality God has planned for His people where they will once again purchase and
sell fields and business as usual will be restored to the land. God’s promises will not fail and His
faithfulness to His own Word is unfailing.
No matter how bad things may become in this world, we can have great
assurance in God’s control over the events of the world and His commitment to
keep His promises.
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