Hebrews 10:26-31

For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.  Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses.  How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?  For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.”  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

This is one of those passages that absolutely MUST be understood in context of the argument of the entire book.  An isolated reading of this passage can cause one to conclude that if we sin persistently after salvation that we are no longer saved and under God’s wrath.  However, when understood in context it is warning Jewish people who have been persecuted because of their affiliation with the church who are now being tempted to reject Christ and return to Judaism, keeping the Law, making sacrifices, and trusting priests to represent them before God.  The author is simply warning of the consequences of this hypothetical apostacy as a means of warning them and convincing them to persevere in the faith.  In essence the author is pointing to at least three consequences of unbelief.

UNBELIEF ELIMINATES SALVATION: God has sent Jesus, the Son of God, to this earth as a man, born as a baby, He lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sin, raised from the dead, and risen into heaven.  The incarnation of Christ is an astounding truth that should amaze and mystify us.  This mission of God to rescue us from sin is a demonstration of love beyond anything this world has ever seen.  All the filth, hate, injustice, greed, pride, anger, and an endless list of other sins have been paid for by the work of Christ on our behalf on the cross.  The only requirement placed upon us is to believe in Him, entrusting ourselves exclusively to His work on our behalf.  This requires us to turn from our own self-sufficiency, self-righteousness, and reliance on any other source.  Those who reject Christ and persist in this unbelief returning to trust in their own works, religion, nationalism, or anything else are not saved.  Many people may agree with the facts of the Gospel yet refuse to entrust themselves to the Gospel.  This too is unbelief and does not save from sin.

UNBELIEF NEGATES CHRIST’S SACRIFICE: If there could be any other means of salvation, the sacrifice of Christ would not have been necessary.  The Son of God being hung on the cross, spilling His blood, incurring the wrath of God on our behalf is an act of love at which we should stand in awe.  For a person to know this truth and then return to a religious system of adhering to rules, performing rituals, and sacrificing animals as a means of salvation is to trample underfoot the Son of God.  Unbelief is profanity against God’s covenantal promise made to Adam when He sinned.  It is a rejection of the grace that the Spirit has extended to us.  There is no sacrifice or means of payment for sin apart from the sacrifice of Christ.  Those who trust their own works, religious rituals, or anything else are, in essence, spitting in the face of God.  The author compares this to the consequence of death that those who broke the Law of Moses suffered.  Unbelief and the rejection of Jesus as Messiah is far more serious than disobedience to the Law.  Turning from His amazing act of love is inexcusable and carries with it grave consequences.  

UNBELIEF INSTIGATES GOD’S WRATH: God’s wrath is described in this passage as a consuming and furious fire.  It is outrageous to think that God will passively stand by and ignore those who reject the incredible sacrifice Christ made on our behalf.  Unbelief and the rejection of Christ ignites the wrath of God.  The protection of Christ’s blood having not been applied through faith leaves man completely vulnerable to the burning wrath of God towards sin.  This truth should strike fear into the hearts and minds of every man woman and child.  It truly is a fearful thing to fall under the wrath of the living and holy God.  The only means of escaping it is through faith in Christ.

APPLICATION: Don’t be tempted to turn from Christ due to any persecution or hardship that following Jesus might bring.  Believe only in the sacrifice of Christ as our only hope and means of salvation from sin.  Reject any form of self-righteousness or false religion in which we might have trusted.  Be warned and warn others of the impending wrath of God that will be poured out on all who reject Christ through unbelief.


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