Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

The review of the history of the faithful men and women in the previous chapter should have an impact on our lives today.  It is vital that we remember the past as we live in the present and prepare for the future.  The goal is that we too can live a life of faith.  There are three faith producing habits all of us should strive to form.  

LOOK BACK: The faith of the men and women in the past who accomplished much, sacrificed much, and died without seeing the fullness of their promises come to fruition, should impact us.  The faith of our fathers and mothers needs to become our faith.  The witness of those who have gone before us continues to echo in our hearts and minds.  This “cloud of witnesses” surrounds us.  They have finished their lap of the race on earth and now they are resting in the presence of the Lord, witnessing how we are running our lap.  We belong to the people of faith from every generation that has gone before and from every generation yet to come.  We are not alone and are a part of something much larger than ourselves.  This knowledge should spur us on to faithfulness.

LAY DOWN: We are running a race of faith, but there are many things in our hearts and minds that weigh us down.  The wight of sin impedes our progress, slows us down, and hinders us from running well.  We must lay the sinful habits and desires aside so that we can serve the Lord unincumbered.  Sin clings to us in so many ways as it is a part of our old nature.  The life of faith is not a sprint but much more like a marathon.  There will be many times where we are tempted to give up and give in to temptation.  We must learn to endure, stand firm in our faith, and relentlessly rid ourselves of sin through the power of the Spirit of God who indwells us.  Laying down the sinfulness that clings to us and persevering in the work of the Lord is the very definition of faithfulness.

LOOK UP: There are many distractions that will keep us from running our race well.  Too often we will look at other runners and compare ourselves to them.  This will either produce pride because we think we are doing better or discouragement because we think we are doing worse.  The Lord has given us our race to run, and we should have our eyes fixed on Him.  He has called us into a life of faith, and He is perfecting us as we run.  He is the example of faith that we should be striving to follow.  He suffered death on the cross in our place.  He took our shame upon Himself.  His love for us and the joy of restoring us into fellowship with Him was the motivating factor to His sacrifice and ability to endure faithful to the end.  He is now seated at the right hand of the Father representing us and interceding on our behalf.  As we run our lap of this race, we must look up to the Lord Jesus and consider all He has done and all He is doing on our behalf.  He must be the focus of our faith.

APPLICATION: Remember the people who have gone before us in the walk of faith.  Follow their example and rejoice in the privilege of being a part of this family of faith.  Repent of all sin and leave it at the cross of Christ for forgiveness and freedom.  Sin will try to cling to us, distract us and discourage us.  Lay it aside and keep pressing on in the power and hope of the Gospel.  Reflect on the Lord Jesus Christ and all that He has accomplished and the hope that we have of being like Him and being with Him for eternity.  Rejoice in all He has promised through His perfecting work.


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