3 John 1:1-15

The advance of the Gospel requires cooperation from the entire body of Christ.  There are many different functions, all of which are important.  Unfortunately, believers often have a tendency to become competitive with one another instead of unite for the cause of Christ.  John provides us with a shining example of cooperation that we would do well to follow as well as an awful example of competition that we must be careful to avoid.
THE IMPORTANCE OF HOSPITALITY: Gaius was a close friend of John’s and he had been very faithful to walk in the truth.  This was a great source of joy to John as it is wonderful to see our spiritual children walking according to the truth of God’s Word.  In particular, Gaius was faithful to cooperate with the advance of the Gospel by providing hospitality for ministers of the Gospel who were traveling through his area.  This is a vital ministry and one that is a great encouragement to those who travel as missionaries from place to place in order to advance the Gospel to new locations.  There are times where rest and recuperation are needed along the way and Gaius had been faithful to provide this in his home.  He may not have known these servants of God personally, but He knew that they served the same Master and generously provided for their needs as a means of advancing the Gospel of Christ.
THE DANGER OF CARNALITY: Diotrephes, on the other hand, did not participate in this ministry of hospitality and went so far as to prevent others from doing so by exercising church discipline on them.  He was apparently a very jealous spiritual leader who did not want to have his leadership questioned by others.  He always wanted to be first in everything and viewed other ministers as competition.  His insecurity and selfishness robed him and those who followed him from a wonderful opportunity to participate in the advance of the Gospel.  We must never allow our own ministries to become the primary focus of our lives.  God and His kingdom must always be central in our minds.  Too often different denominations and mission organizations begin to compete against one another instead of work together for the cause of the kingdom.  Money and power are often the motivating factors behind this division.  We must be very careful to not allow greed to influence our hearts and rob us of the joy of serving together with other brothers and sisters in Christ for the advance of the Gospel.  


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