Revelation 10:1-11

John’s vision continues as he observes and tries to describe the activities of angels.  I think that it is interesting that the lightning had a message that John started to write down yet he was prohibited from doing so.  John is describing these events to the best of his ability, yet it is very clear that there is much more going on than what John is able to see, understand or describe.  I also find it interesting that John interacts with the angel as he is instructed to do.  The purpose of this particular vision remains a mystery to me but it certainly is inspiring to consider the glory of God as revealed in this revelation.
AN AWESOME ANGEL: The description of this angel is amazing a it comes forth and stands with a foot on the sea and another on the land.  The angel’s head is encompassed by a cloud and a rainbow, its voice is like a lion and thunder and lightning flare all around it.  John is prohibited from writing the message of the lightning, but he does record the message of the angel which was that the end is coming very soon.  The times, seasons and purposes of God in the history of this world have been determined by God and they are fully under His control.  There is no need for us to doubt or worry for the Lord has a plan and He is working it out for His glory.  These realities should have us standing in awe of God as well as resting in His sovereignty.
AN AWEFUL BOOK: This angel has a little book in his hands.  We really don’t know what the book says but John is told to go get the book and eat it.  He is warned that the book will taste sweet in his mouth but that it will become bitter in his stomach.  John obeys and the book is just as they said it would be.  To be honest, I do not understand exactly the symbolism behind this scene, but I do find it to be very impressive that John does as he is told and that things happen just as God tells him they will.  There are many things in this world that may taste sweet at first but, in reality, they end up becoming very painful to us.  Most of what the world offers us looks tantalizing and may even be fun at first, but in the end it brings heartache.  The will of God usually involves suffering and hardship at first, but the end result is eternal rewards and pure pleasure for evermore.  The choice between the two should be obvious to us all.


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