Revelation 5:1-14

John Continues to describe the scene around the throne room of heaven.  In this chapter Christ, the slain Lamb, becomes the focus of attention.  It is important to note that there is not any conflict of interest between the Father and the Son.  One does not become jealous of the other nor does one detract from the other.  They are distinct from one another while at the same time united perfectly to one another.  We also see the Spirit described in this passage as a distinct yet united member of the Trinity.  I do not pretend to be able to fully grasp all of the implications of a Triune God eternally existent as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but this passage clearly demonstrates this reality.
CHRIST IS WORTHY TO ACCOMPLISH GOD’S WORK: John sees that the Father has a book with seven seals on it in His hand with and angel crying out in order to discover someone who is worthy to open this great and terrible book.  An initial search by John demonstrates that there is nobody in heaven or on earth who is worth to open the book.  John begins to cry because it seems obvious to him that the book must be opened if the plans of God are going to be accomplished.  I wonder if we are so eager to see God’s work accomplished on earth that we weep when it seems to be thwarted.  John is quickly assured by an angel that there is no need to cry because Christ has now entered the scene.  At His appearance the hosts of heaven break into song declaring that Christ, the Lamb of God, is the only one worthy of opening this book.  The praise and prayer of the saints are seen as contributing factors to the work of Christ yet He in and of Himself is worthy and able to do the work of God.  I think that it is important to realize the Christ is central to all the work that God seeks to accomplish in heaven and on earth.  Christ was the active agent in the creation of the world, the redemption of the world and He will be the active agent in ushering in God’s plan for our eternal state.
CHRIST IS WORSHIPED FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOD’S WORK: As was seen in the previous chapter, the response of all who are in the presence of Christ is to worship Him.  John, the elders and the angels all spontaneously burst into songs of praise to the Lord and they fall before Him to worship.  There are two very clear reasons that all of heaven and earth should worship Christ.  First, Christ is worshiped because of who He is.  He is the Son of God, holy, loving and all powerful.  He possesses all of the attributes of God the Father is worthy of worship because He is who He is.  Second, Christ is worshiped because of what He has done.  He has paid the price for sin and is about to judge, once and for all, the sins of the universe.  He is in the process of establishing an eternal kingdom where only righteousness dwells.  The person and work of Christ are sufficient reasons for every creature in heaven and earth to bow before Him in worship.  Since this is obviously the focus of our activity in heaven, it should be an obvious correlation that our lives on the earth now should be lived as acts of worshiping Christ.  He is our God and He has done, is doing and will do great things for us and in us.  We must take time to remember and focus upon the wonderful person and work of Christ that our hearts might be stirred to fall on our faces before Him and worship.  Eternity will be filled with the worship of Christ, we might as well get started now.


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