Revelation 8:1-13

The seventh seal of the book is opened and from that seal comes seven trumpets.  This is the second series of judgments during the tribulation period.  It is very hard to know the timing of judgments, but due to the nature of these judgments, I have to believe that they occur during the second half of the seven year tribulation and possible close to the end.  This chapter describes the scene in heaven as well as the results on earth.
PRAYERS IN HEAVEN: The angel who comes forth to introduce the seven trumpets comes to the altar where the prayers of the saints are gathered and he places incense on the altar of prayer and then fills a cup with fire from this altar and throws it down on earth where thunder, lightning and an earthquake provide the backdrop for the trumpet judgments.  The prayers of God’s people stand out in heaven as a means of worship before God.  These prayers also seem to contribute to the judgment process on the earth.  It seems that our prayers should be focused on promoting the glory of God besides petitioning God for personal provisions.  The fact that these prayers stand out as a permanent act of worship in heaven should be a great motivation for us to pray.
PLAGUES ON EARTH:  The first four trumpet judgments described in this passage all destroy one-third of the various parts of creation.  A third of the vegetation of the earth is destroyed by fire, a third of the sea and the sea creatures are destroyed by a burning mountain that falls to the earth, a third of the fresh water is destroyed by a star that falls into the rivers, and a third of the stars, moons and planets are darkened causing strange darkness on the face of the earth.  These judgments along with the seals that have already taken the lives of one-quarter of the population of the earth make life on earth extremely difficult, but they are only a shadow of the more severe judgments that are still to come.  The coming of these judgments should be clear motivation for all men everywhere to repent and turn from their sin in order to escape the judgment of God.  God has clearly demonstrated His willingness and ability to judge the lives of sinful men.  Christ has provided the only means by which we can escape God’s wrath.  We must turn from our sin to trust Christ and then proclaim the message of the Gospel to all that others might also escape God’s fierce judgment.


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