Revelation 11:1-19

The tribulation period continues on the earth, but it is important for us to remember that it is not merely a time of judgment, but it is also a time in which God reveals His will to men through his witnesses.  We have already seen the 144,000 testimonies and now there are the two incredibly powerful witnesses who warn all of man of the judgment of God.  This is a demonstration of God’s grace as well as proof of the depravity of man.  We can see God at work in the lives of men even on the darkest of days.
THE MINISTRY OF GOD’S MESSENGERS: There has been much speculation about who these two witnesses might be.  Since the passage does not tell us who they are, I think that it is rather pointless to try to guess who they might be.  What is important is what they do.  They are witnesses of the living God and are prophesying at to what God is doing and will do.  They are messengers of God’s grace to those who believe, but they are messengers of God’s wrath on all those who rebel against and reject the Father.  They have powers the likes of which have never been seen.  Not even Christ manifested such clear displays of power as these men do.  Without question Christ had greater powers, but He did not exercise them is such obvious manners.  These guys breathe fire and turn water into blood.  The point is that whenever God reveals himself in such clear ways it is because of His grace.  If only people would see His power, hear His Word and repent.  Even in the midst of great judgment God continues to reveal himself and offer men opportunities to repent, believe and be saved.
THE MISERY OF GODLESS MEN: In spite of God’s grace, men continue to rebel against God and as a result they are consumed by fire and suffer tremendous hardship from these powerful witnesses of God.  Thousands of men die as a result of this hardheartedness.  We must all recognize that God is never afraid to judge sinful men.  God in His wisdom allows Satan to kill these witnesses.  Their death is not lamented by godly men it is celebrated by godless men who have no fear of God.  They exchange gifts and think that they have won some sort of victory.  However, just like when Christ was killed on the cross He rose again, so too do these witnesses rise from the dead.  This is a clear demonstration to all that God’s power is far greater than that of all of the forces of evil that Satan can muster.  When the witnesses are resurrected seven thousand men are killed in an earthquake.  If these signs do not convince men of the power of God, nothing will.  God makes men miserable in their sinful state and then demonstrates His power in hopes that men will wake up and long to be free from sin.  Unfortunately, there are very few who turn from sin.  May all who are trapped in the misery of sin tire of the pain and turn to Christ.
THE MAJESTY OF GOD’S MESSIAH: In the midst of all of this pain, conflict and rebellion, Christ is in heaven and He is worshiped.  The nations of this earth may rage against Christ.  They may pretend that Christ is not over them, but the reality is that Christ is exalted in the heavens an there will be a time when all nations will bow before Him at His coming and they will all worship Him.  His power is unquestionable and His coming is inevitable.  No matter how things may seem on the earth, we must always remember that God has placed Christ firmly upon the throne of the universe and He will be worshiped and praised by all.  Since that is the case, we might as well get started now.  There is no doubt that we will be much happier worshiping God now by choice then those who will be obliged to worship Him at His coming when they will face Him, not as their Messiah, but as their eternal judge.


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