Revelation 12:1-17

Throughout the history of creation God has been unfolding the plan of redemption in the history of the world.  This involves all of the hosts of heaven and every person on the face of the earth.  Many in the world are completely unaware of this plan and see no need for redemption but that makes no difference.  The truth is always truth whether anyone know it or believes it or not.  This chapter gives us an insight into this plan and the steps that it has taken in the past and will take in the future.
AN EPIC BATTLE: When Satan rebelled against God he was thrown out of heaven and took one third of the angles down with him.  This began what has become the battle of the ages.  Satan is determined to overthrow God and try to assume the position of the deity of the earth.  God, on the other hand, is determined to redeem men from sin and release them from the power of Satan.  God has allowed Satan to have limited freedom in this age, but He has determined that Satan will ultimately be bound for all of eternity.  God’s plan of redemption was dependent upon the birth of Christ through the people He had chosen, Israel.  For that reason, Satan has tried with all of his might to prevent the coming of Christ through the destruction of Israel.  There have been some apparent victories from Satan’s perspective but God in His wisdom has used these to bring about His ultimate plan of redemption.  The battle has been and will be epic but the final result is not in question.
AN ETERNAL HOPE: That which Satan thought would put an end to redemption, the death of Christ, was actually the centerpiece of God’s plan for He rose again.  Christ’s death paid the price of sin and His resurrection is proof positive that God’s justice has been satisfied.  This is the hope for all of mankind.  We can live for eternity with God because our sins have been eternally paid for through the death and resurrection of Christ.  We can overcome sin and Satan because of the power of Christ.  Satan is constantly accusing men before God, but those who have trusted Christ are forgiven and justified in God’s sight.  All believers are free of condemnation from God and exempt from the accusations of Satan.  Because of Christ we have an eternal hope.
AN EXTREEME PERSECUTION: During the tribulation period, Satan will once again seek to destroy the children of Israel.  This has been Satan’s repeated goal throughout the history of the world.  Starting with Egypt, moving to Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans and even Hitler, the goal of Satan through these nations has been to destroy Israel.  This strategy will not change and in the tribulation the anti-christ will once again be the instrument of Satan to seek for the destruction of Israel.  God has other plans and He will once again deliver them and finally bring them to salvation.  Satan always has and always will seek to persecute and destroy the followers of God.  We must be prepared for this reality and never become discouraged by it.


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