Exodus 13:1-22

God is very well aware of our weaknesses.  He knows that what we are able to handle and what would overwhelm us.  Besides having that knowledge, God has the ability to guide us away from the things that would harm us and He makes provisions for our weaknesses.  It is a great comfort to know that God knows us so well.  We truly can trust in Him to meet every one of our needs according to His will.
GOD KNOWS WE CAN BE DISTRACTED BY FORGETFULNESS: The Exodus from Egypt was such a catastrophic event that we would think that it would never be forgotten.  However, God knows that over time it is easy for men to forget the great things that the Lord has done and just focus on their present situations.  God wanted the Passover to be remembered in every generation so He established a feast to celebrate the Exodus.  He also required that every first born child and animal be consecrated to the Lord as a possession.  This was a clear reminder that all the first born in Egypt had been killed accept in the homes of Israel where the blood of the lamb had been applied.  These principles would serve as a constant reminder to each subsequent generation so that they would not forget what God had done.  Today it is easy for us to forget the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and His resurrection.  We can be distracted by the circumstances of life or the suffering we might face and begin to believe that God does not care for us.  That is way we remember Christ through the Lord ’s Supper and consecrate ourselves through baptism as a constant reminder and illustration of Christ’s death on our behalf.  It is vital that we constantly remember Christ’s sacrifice and we teach our children what these things mean.
GOD KNOWS WE CAN BE DICOURAGED BY FEAR: God was faithful to guide the children of Israel with the cloud and pillar of fire so that they would know where to go.  They were free but were not used to being able to make their own decisions so God meets their need by giving them very clear direction.  He knows that if Israel faces war right away that they might become discouraged and go back to the “safety” of slavery in Egypt because of their fear of the “unknown”.  God knows just how much we can face and how we will react if we must face too much.  He is able to deliver us from temptations that are above what we would be able to handle.  It is a wonderful thing to follow God who knows us and is able to provide for us so completely.  We certainly can rest in Him and trust His love for us as well as His provision in our lives.


  1. I loved this post! Just touched my heart, and so relatable for us readers. Thank you for sharing today. You are blessed with a unique and clear way of communicating God's Word!

  2. Thanks Cristina, God even knows when we need a word of encouragement from a dear friend.


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