Exodus 33:1-23

The journey to the Promised Land must continue, however the sin and idolatry of the people has caused God to withdraw His presence from the people because He would likely kill them all because of their sin.  God offers to replace His presence with that of an angle who would guide them along the way.  Perhaps one of the most impressive things that the children of Israel have done to this point is how they responded to this news.  They were not willing to accept this reality.  They longed for God’s presence and basically refused to go forward without the assurance that God would go with them.  Learning dependence on the Lord is a very important lesson for all of us to remember.
GOD REFUSES TO REMAIN IN THE PRESENCE OF ISRAEL: Sin has consequences, and one of the greatest consequences is broken fellowship with God.  The sin and idolatry of Israel had grieved God greatly.  It was time for the children of Israel to move forward, however God was not willing to move forward with them.  God’s anger at their sin may cause Him to consume them so He preferred to stay away.  The presence of God is a very precious thing.  It is amazing how flippantly many people today speak of being in God’s presence.  We must not speak of being in God’s presence while we persist in living lives that are not pleasing to God.  Our lives should be marked by a great longing for the presence of God as well as a holy reverence of God that causes us live in fear of the Lord.  We must live with a burning desire to please God if we expect to experience the presence of God.
ISRAEL REPENTS AND REQUESTES THE PERSON OF GOD: The idea of moving forward to the Promised Land without the presence of God was unacceptable to the children of Israel.  The cried out to the Lord in repentance of their sin and simply decided to wait and worship in hope that God would return to them.  Moses would set up his tent outside the camp and God would come down and speak to Moses.  As this was going on, the children of Israel would wait in the doorway of their tents and worship God.  They were ready to recognize God as their true liberator from Egypt and as their only hope to be able to conquer the land of Cannon.  Moses and the people made it very clear that if God would not go with them, then they would not go.  It is vital that we value the presence of God in our lives.  Repentance of sin and reverence for Him are prerequisites for the blessing of His presence. 
GOD RETURNS AND RESTORES HIS PRESENCE IN ISRAEL: Because of the people’s reaction, God agrees to go forward and bless the people with His presence.  Moses continues to insist with God and requests to be able to see God in all of His glory.  At this request, God tells Moses that his desire is impossible but that He will allow Moses to see a small part of His glory.  God longs to reveal Himself to us that we might experience the true pleasure of His personal presence.  This will be the reality of our lives for all of eternity in heaven.  The Lord is a gracious and forgiving God who has made every provision for us to live in His presence through the Lord Jesus Christ.  This must be the longing of our hearts and earnest expectation that drives us to a life of obedience and worship as long as we live.


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