Exodus 21:1-36

God is a God of order and justice.  Due to the sinfulness of men and their tendency to hurt and be violent towards one another, God regulates how men are to be punished for this.  We must be very careful in our dealings with one another and recognize that our actions have consequences.  God never intended that man would have to deal with these kinds of problems.  But, because of sin, all of these problems must be handled.  These laws are designed to demonstrate both the seriousness and the consequences of sin and should also serve as a deterrent to sin.

REGULATIONS ON SLAVERY: In today’s world it is hard for us to imagine the regulation of slavery as opposed to the abolishment of slavery.  The reality is that slavery existed in almost every culture.  The entire nation of Israel had lived as slaves and it was a common practice of men at that point of history.  God does not seem to forbid the practice in and of itself but regulates it so that it was not abusive.  His regulation of slavery is not tantamount to His approval of the practice of slavery.  Hebrew slaves were to be set free after six years.  However, slaves were permitted to choose to continue in slavery if they liked their master, work and desired to keep their families united.  Owners were not permitted to abuse their slaves but they were required to provide for their needs.

REGULATIONS ON VIOLENCE: Sinful men who relate with one another will eventually irritate one another to the point of violence.  God considers human life to be precious and so He sets for regulations as to how those who are violent towards one another are to be punished.  Those who take the life of another man on purpose are to be punished by death.  Those who injure others are to make restitution and care for the needs of those who have been hurt.  The need for these laws is a clear demonstration of the wickedness of men’s hearts and makes it very clear that God is not pleased by this reality.  The need for these regulations should make us very aware of the fact that all of these sins rage in each of our heart and that is only by the grace of God that we do not act upon these desires.  Only Christ can change sinful hearts.

REGULATIONS ON ANIMALS: Those who have animals are to be responsible owners of the animal.  They are responsible for any damage the animal might do.  If the animal has been known to hurt others it must be put to death for the protection of other men.  If the owner does not take this precaution he is responsible for any hurt this animal may cause to other people or animals.  God wants us to be faithful and wise steward of our animals.  We must care for them but we also are required to control them.  It is important to God that we take care of His creation and be wise stewards of that which He has entrusted to us.


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