Exodus 28:1-43

Aaron and his sons were set apart by God to represent the people before Him.  As a priest he served the Lord by representing the people before God.  Christ is the true mediator between God and man, but prior to His coming, Aaron and the priestly office was used by God to prefigure the ministry of Christ.  This was a serious position and a vital part of Israel’s worship before the Lord.
THE PRIEST’S CLOTHING REPRESENTED THE PEOPLE BEFORE GOD: The clothing that God told Moses to prepare for Aaron and his sons had several aspects that were designed to represent the people.  The names of every tribe were inscribed on several different objects including the breastplate that had a special stone for each tribe.  This is an illustration of how one man could represent many men before God.  Aaron made sacrifices on behalf of the people, but he was incapable of resolving the sin problem before God because he himself was a sinner.  Aaron was simply an illustration of how Christ, one man, would one day represent all of mankind before God and offer the ultimate sacrifice of Himself before God in order to make atonement for sin.  As Aaron represented all the tribes of Israel before God; Christ represents all of mankind before the Father.  The principle of representation and substitution are clearly seen in the role of the priest within the plan of God for Israel’s worship.
THE PRIEST’S CLOTHING REPRESENTED GOD BEFORE THE PEOPLE: All throughout the objects that Aaron was to wear as priest were representations of the royalty of the Father.  God is king of the universe and is to be the only One before whom we bow and worship.  Aaron was not God, now was he to be worshiped as God; but he was a representative of God before the people.  His clothing and his character were to illustrate the holiness, greatness and the authority of God.  Aaron was different from the rest of the people; he was to stand out as a peculiar man amongst the children of Israel.  We must never think of God as a mere man who is “one of us.”  God is over us and is to be worshiped by us.  He is to be glorified in our lives and we are to live for His honor and glory.


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