Exodus 19:1-25

The Lord has demonstrated His power to the people and given them liberty from their slavery but He is now about to reveal Himself to them in a new way.  God wants them to understand who He is and what He requires of them.  God wants to transform their lives and make them a special people who live in obedience to Him and in worship of Him.  He wants so much more than just to move them from one land to another land.  In order for that transformation to take place, God needs to reveal Himself to the people so that they might know how to live in a manner that is pleasing to Him.  God’s revelation of Himself to man is a tremendous blessing and must never be taken lightly.  Knowing God is an honor and privilege for which we must be forever grateful.

GOD MAKES HIS PROMISE KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE: God promises that if the people will obey Him and the commandments He is about to reveal, that they will be a holy people who are set apart as a kingdom of priests.  They will be a people who represent the character and glory of God to the nations of the world.  They will be a people that experience the blessings of God to an extent that no other nation of the world has ever experienced.  This blessing of holiness and honor of representing God is conditional upon their obedience to the revelation that they are about to receive.  They are about to be given much, but much will also be required of them.  Living in a holy manner is a blessing.  Being used of God is also a great blessing.  However they can only be realized through a life of submission to the will of God and through knowing the person of God.

GOD MAKES THE PREPARATIONS KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE: God is about to make Himself known in a completely unique way.  He has never appeared or let Himself be known to any nation in this manner before.  This is not be taken lightly.  Preparations must be made for this unique and very special event.  The people were to wash their clothing, refrain from sexual relationships and consecrate themselves before the Lord.  The presence of God is never to be taken lightly.  God also makes them aware of the fact that they cannot approach Him in any way.  He will be coming down to the mountain but the people are not to even touch the base of the mountain or they will be killed.  Even though they have taken the steps of purification, their sins prevent them from being able to come into the presence of God.  It is a very serious thing to be in the presence of God and we must never take it lightly.

GOD MAKES HIS PRESENCE KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE: On the appointed day God appears on the mountain in the form of smoke, fire, thunder and lightning.  Only Moses is called up to the mountain and then he is told to bring Aaron up as well.  The priests are to make special preparations and the people are to refrain from coming across the border of the mountain or they will be consumed by the presence of God.  The people see this manifestation and they hear the voice of God.  It must have been an awe inspiring and terrifying experience for all who were in that place.  God is an awesome God.  His presence is something that we will one day experience in its fullness when we live forever with Him in heaven.  Today we know Him through His Word and we should stand in awe of His blessed revelation to us.  It is God’s way of preparing us to live in His presence for all of eternity.  We are promised the privilege of living in the presence of God, but we must make the proper preparations by washing ourselves in the blood of Jesus and living in accordance with the Word that He has revealed to us. 


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