Exodus 26:1-37

There was a clear and specific plan for how the structure of the tabernacle was to be built.  The exact measurements and all the materials were determined by the Lord and revealed to Moses.  It is very obvious that God is a master builder and architect.  This truth can be seen not only in God’s design for the tabernacle but also in the amazing order and structure that we see in all of creation.
GOD CALCULATES HIS PLAN: The tabernacle was to be made in the form of a tent and the walls were made of cloth and goat skins that were to be woven and designed according to exact specifications.  All of the measurements fit together in a logical manner and were all masterfully planned so that the dimensions would come together and work.  The framework was all planned out in diverse parts to be able to hold up the entire structure.  This type of planning is observed in so many aspect of God’s creation as well as in the makeup of the Body of Christ the church and in God’s master plan of redemption.  This should give us great reason to be able to rest in Him.  We can trust that He has carefully planned and orchestrated the circumstances of our lives and that His plan is truly what is best in the overall structure of His sovereign will.  Difficulties that we may face are not by chance or cosmic mistakes, they are part of what God is doing to prepare us to worship and glorify Him in the best possible way.  We will be the happiest when we are doing that for which we were made to do.  We can be assured that the circumstances of our lives have been planned a calculated by God in specific proportions so that we can perfectly fulfill His purpose for us within the Body of Christ.  His plans are always for His glory and our eternal good.  In that truth we can trust and rest.
GOD COMMUNICATES HIS PLAN: God communicates the plan for this construction project to Moses, because Moses was going to lead the people in the execution of this plan.  God was capable of doing all of the building Himself, but His plan required that men be active in executing this plan so He revealed it to them trough Moses.  God is always faithful to reveal to us what He expects us to do in the completion of His plan.  God is very communicative and is faithful to reveal to us exactly what is expected of us.  He might not reveal everything to us about His plans and purposes, but He does reveal exactly what we need to know.  There was a ton of symbolism that was built into the building of the tabernacle that was probably not fully evident to Moses and much less evident to the builders.  They didn’t need to know why God wanted things done in a certain way; they just needed to know what God wanted them to do.  We must be faithful to do what God has revealed to us in His Word even when we cannot see all of the reasons why.  His communication to us of His will is always sufficient for us to be able to execute His plans to perfection.  It is our job to obey what He has revealed to us, not speculate about the things that He has chosen to withhold.


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