Psalm 120:1-7

God is our Deliverer.  He is able to deliver us from the plot of the wicked men who constantly surround us.  If we are striving to live to please and honor the Lord, we are bound to suffer under the false accusations of evil men who are convicted or even offended by our commitments.  Even if we are constantly surrounded by people like this; God is faithful and able to deliver us and help us overcome these false attacks.  When we find ourselves in situation where we are surrounded by ungodly people that seek our harm there are two things that we must do.

PLEAD TO GOD: Our first response when faced with a false accusation is to call out for the Lord to deliver us.  He is able to reveal the truth and He always knows the whole truth.  We can take refuge in His knowledge and be assured that He is faithful and just.  When it seems that we are surrounded by liars and dishonest people we can trust God with whom there is never any shadow of falsehood.  He is able to expose evil men for who they really are and He is able to defend His children from their attacks.  We can find both comfort and help from the Lord when we call out to Him in prayer.

FLEE FROM THEM: Too often we find ourselves in the company of evil doers by our own foolish choices.  We can get comfortable in our circumstances and not be willing to pick up and flea from the presence of these ungodly influences on our lives.  There are times when we dwell with people far longer than God intends that we remain.  The truth is that He may be permitting these attacks so that we will move from where we are to where He desires that we be.  We must learn to identify temptation and evil, understand the way of escape that the Lord always provides and then RUN, not walk, away!


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