Psalm 128:1-6

We all want to experience the blessings of the Lord in our lives.  In general it is important to know that God’s blessings come to us through His grace.  No matter how good we are, none of us deserve His blessings.  However, God does long to bless us and takes great delight in extending His grace to us.  God is the creator of this world and all of us.  He knows how we are wired and how things work best in this universe.  God also has a very clear plan as to what He wants to accomplish in this world and how each of us fit into that sovereign plan.  There are great blessings to be experienced in the lives of those who, by God’s grace, walk in submission to that plan.  Fearing God and walking in God’s ways is not something that we do apart from God’s grace and the power of the Gospel, but it is a very blessed experience in every aspect of our lives.

GOD BLESSES OUR WORK: Sin brings about pain, frustration and futility.  When we live in rebellion against God, we are bucking up against the creator of the world in which we live.  However, when we recognize the authority of God over us and then submit to that authority, it only stands to reason that we will experience blessings in our lives.  That does not mean that blessings will just fall from the sky; it means that our labor will be productive and bring satisfaction to us.  Even when things do not go according to our expectations, we will experience a sense of well-being because of our trust in the sovereign plan of God.

GOD BLESSES OUR HOMES: When we are blessed, the blessings trickle down to our family members.  Our wives and children suffer because of our rebellion against God and they enjoy the blessings of our fear of the Lord.  Our choices and our character have a great impact on all who walk through life with us.  My walk with the Lord has a direct impact on all with whom I am walking through life.  I will be a far greater husband and father if I live a life of worship before the Lord.  All the members of my family will benefit from my walk with God or suffer from the lack thereof.

GOD BLESSES OUR NATION: Strong nations are built upon strong families and strong families are built upon men who fear and obey the Lord.  David was a man who failed greatly, but he was also a man who feared God and worshiped Him throughout his life.  The entire nation of Israel was impacted and blessed by David’s fear of the Lord.  We will never know how God may choose to use us in His plan for the world.  Very few of us will have the privilege of being in leadership on a national level, however all those around us are blessed by those who live in obedience to the Lord.


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