Psalm 122:1-9
Worship should make us glad.
Our greatest source of joy should be the privilege of knowing and
worshiping the Lord. It is a great honor
that God has chosen to reveal Himself to us and it is astounding that He takes
delight in our worship. God revealed Himself
to and through the nation of Israel. God
formed a nation through which Messiah would come to reveal the person of God
and pay the price for sin. The nation of
Israel was separated by God for the purpose of promoting the worship of the
Lord amongst all the other nations of the World. They were blessed of God so that they might
be a blessing and spread the joy of worship to others. Jerusalem was the capital of Israel and is
city that is designated by God for the practice and promotion of worship. We associate different things with different
places and there are two things that we should think about when we think about
JERUSALEM IS A CITY FOR PRAISE: Jerusalem is a place where
the people were called to gather for festivals and corporate worship of
God. These festivals were times of
thanksgiving and praise to the Lord for that which He had accomplished and in anticipation
of that which He had promised to accomplish.
God is to be praised for His provisions in the past as well as His
promises for the future. Jerusalem was
planned by God for this purpose. When we
think of Jerusalem we should think of worship and it should fill our hearts
with joy. God is preparing a place
called the New Jerusalem that will fulfill this purpose in a way that the
present city has failed to accomplish because of the sinfulness of men. In that glorious city we will all have the
joy of gathering to enjoy the presence of God and praise Him for all of
JERUSALEM IS A CITY FOR PEACE: Peace for Jerusalem is synonymous
with freedom to worship. Unfortunately,
the idea of one God and one way to worship that God is not an idea that is
readily accepted by sinful man. We do
not like to be told that we are wrong and we do not like the idea of one people
or culture being prevalent over our own.
In fact we are willing to go to war to defend, protect and then impose
our beliefs on others. Perhaps this is
why there has always been so much war surrounding the nation of Israel and the
city of Jerusalem. In reality all of
mankind longs for peace. However, we are
not about to sacrifice our principles for peace. We are called to pray for the peace of
Jerusalem, because when Jerusalem is at peace it will mean that men have united
in their praise of the Lord. One
glorious day Jerusalem will be at perfect peace because the Prince of peace
will reign in the New Jerusalem and all of mankind will be eternally at peace.
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