Psalm 134:1-3
Blessing the Lord is a concept that, quite honestly, sounds
foreign to me. I understand completely
the idea of receiving blessing from the Lord, but I feel very inadequate to
think that there is some way that I could bless the Lord. The problem lies in our understanding of
blessing. We tend to equate blessing
with providing some need in the life of another. Since God does not need anything it seems
like it would be impossible to bless Him.
However, if we define blessing as speaking highly of as in an act of
worship; we can clearly see our ability to bless. In reality the word “bless” caries both the
idea of praising and providing.
WE PRAISE HIS NAME: The call of this Psalm to: “Come, bless
the Lord” is a call for all those who love and serve the Lord to raise their
voices and their hands before the Lord and worship Him. This act of praising the Lord does not
provide God with anything that is lacking in His life, but it does delight His
heart. We were created for the purpose
of worship. All that we do is to be
offered as an act of worship to the Lord.
We do not need to gather in buildings to be able to worship; all of our
lives should be seen as an act of worship to the Lord. If what we are doing cannot be considered
worship we ought not to be doing that.
Our work, recreation, relationships, participation in church and
everything in between ought to be focused on worship. However, praising the name of the Lord with
our mouths needs to be a regular part of our worship. His greatness should ever be on our lips.
HE PROVIDES OUR NEEDS: When we bless God, He blesses
us. We are greatly blessed by blessing. One of our greatest delights is a sense of
fulfillment or accomplishment. One of
our greatest sorrows is a sense of uselessness or futility. Since God made us to be worshipers; it only
stands to reason that we would be most fulfilled in our lives through
worship. In that sense we can see
worship as being its own reward. God is
our Provider; He has made the heavens and the earth and all that is in
them. All of creation belongs to Him and
He uses His creation to meet all of our needs.
We bless the Lord, not so we can “get rich.” We bless the Lord because we recognize that in
Him we are already rich. He takes great
delight in us when we delighted with Him.
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