Psalm 127:1-5
Our families are important to God. He created the family and He cares for the
family because He desires that the family be a means of bringing glory to
Himself and revealing His glory to others.
Our churches, institutions and our society in general rise and fall with
the families that compose them. God must
be the central person of the family and the central purpose of the family. Satan is working very hard to destroy the family
because he knows how dangerous the family is to his evil schemes. The Lord loves the family and serves the
family because He know how vital the family is to His purpose of giving people
from all nations the privilege of worshiping Him.
children to be men and women of strong character. However, all of the members of our families,
adults and children, have a character that is fallen and corrupted by sin. We have no way to build true character in the
lives of our families apart from God.
All of our labors to teach our children, all of our efforts to protect
our children and all of the work we put in to provide for our families are in
vain apart from the work of God. The
transformation of character is a supernatural work that only God can do. We, through our own efforts, may be able to
modify external behavior but only God is able to transform our hearts. That is why the priority of every family must
be the salvation of each member. When
God builds a family He begins by redeeming the members of that family from sin
through a personal relationship with Himself based of the work of Christ on the
cross. The Spirit of God moves in our
hearts that we might trust Christ and then transforms our hearts so that we
might become like Christ.
God blessed families with children and purposed to populate the earth through
the propagation of children. Men are
created in the image of God and He desires that His image be spread throughout
the entire world. Tragically, sin has
tarnished that image so that much mankind is now reflecting a distorted and
destructive image of God. That is why
God sent Christ to die for us so that His image could be restored in us and we
might glorify Him. God calls children a
blessing and an inheritance because He desires to redeem these children and
then use these children to spread His glory through all the earth. God uses the illustration of arrows when He
speaks of children. We must recognize
that, as believers, we are participants in a war for the hearts of men. One of most effective weapons that we have to
be able to wage war are our children. Unfortunately,
so many parents are self-centered that they view children as interruptions and
treat them as inconveniences in their lives.
On the other extreme many parents worship their children, have their
identities wrapped up in their children and use their children for the purpose
of promoting their own happiness. We
must remember that children are blessings but that children are also
arrows. Christian families ought to fill
their homes with children, sharpen those children with the Word of God and then
shoot those children out into the nations that they might spread the fame of
Christ and raise up worshipers around the globe for the glory of God.
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