Psalm 121:1-8

We face constant competition for our attentions and affections.  It is so easy to focus our attentions on the realities of the circumstances that we face.  We can look down and see the mud through which we must walk.  We can look around and focus on the dangers and temptations that this sinful world present in our lives.  Or… we can look up and see the Lord with an understanding that He is in control of our lives and the circumstances we face and that He is our Helper and a constant source of hope in our lives.  We must learn to focus our attention and affections on Him.

GOD IS ALWAYS ALERT: We can trust God and place our hope securely upon Him because He is always available to us.  He is never too busy for us or too distant from us.  He never needs to rest and never goes to sleep.  Our God is always on duty and is attentive to each and every one of our needs and is acutely aware of every circumstance that we face in our lives.  When we call out to the Lord of help we will always find an attentive ear.  When we look to the Lord He will always be looking right back at us.  God is not susceptible to distraction or to exhaustion.  He is alert and attentive to the needs of His children.  We can look to Him for help at all times and in any circumstance.

GOD IS ALWAYS ABLE: There is no situation that we might face that is beyond His ability to help.  He is the all-powerful Creator and Sustainer of the universe.  He is our keeper and can provide all the protection and help that we could ever need.  He gives us shade from the sun and provides us light in the darkness.  He is able to protect us from the evil plots of Satan and assures us that we will never be tempted to the point that we must fall.  Instead He is able to keep us from falling throughout every day and every circumstance of life.  This reality will never change from now and for all of eternity.  Certainly He is worthy of all our attention and affection!


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