Proverbs 10:1-32
There is a clear contrast that is drawn in the book of
Proverbs between the way of wisdom and the way of wickedness. We have seen this over and over again in this
book and will continue to do so throughout.
It is difficult to come up with an adequate outline for this chapter as
there are so many subjects treated in contrasting couplets, but here is an
attempt to summarize the major themes that come up repeatedly.
WISDOM IN OUR WORK: The way of wisdom is a way that brings
great joy and pride to all of our family while the way of wickedness brings
great sorrow. The wicked are lazy so
they seek to become rich through dishonest means; in the end, this method of
amassing wealth leads to poverty and sorrow.
The wise man will work hard, reject the get rich schemes of the wicked
and follow the paths of righteousness.
Wealth may take much longer to accumulate using this formula, but it
will certainly be more secure.
Diligence, honesty and persistence are all traits of wisdom that will
lead us to a blessed harvest from God who honors those who are willing to work
and be honest in their dealings.
WISDOM IN OUR WORDS: The way of wisdom is marked by prudence
in the use of our words while the way of wickedness uses words to destroy
others or simply to reveal foolishness through and abundance of words. Foolish men do not listen to instruction in
righteousness; instead they are unteachable and love nothing more than the
sound of their own voice. Solomon calls
him the babbling fool. The words of a
wise man will bring life to all who hear.
Wicked men use their words to inflict pain on others, lash out in
violence and stir up lies about other people.
The wise man uses his words to communicate love, truth and health. The foolish will not listen to the words of
others while the wise man loves the wise words that instruct him so that he can
gain even more wisdom. The foolish man
uses words constantly without giving any thought to them while a wise man uses
few words but they are all of very great value.
WISDOM IN OUR WALK: The way of the wicked leads down a path
of dread and fear while the way of wisdom brings pleasure, peace and joy. Wickedness will eventually cause all of our
worst nightmares to take place in our lives.
Wisdom will see his most pleasant dreams come true. Those who fear the Lord and obey His
commandments experience a long life that is marked by hope and prosperity. Those who have no fear of God will die young
in torment and poverty. God will grant
stability and security to those who follow Him but those who reject Him will be
castaways and find only destruction. The
path on which we must walk is very clear!
May God grant us the wisdom to walk according to His Word.
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