Proverbs 25:1-28

Noble is a word that we use to describe a certain class of people that are related by blood to the king or ruler of a nation.  However it is also used to describe the behavior that is expected of such people and can be practiced by anyone.  All of us should strive to be noble in our character and words.  There is a code of conduct that is expected of all men and when we do not follow that code we are criticized by and lose the respect of others.  There are different people in our lives that we relate with and should treat in different ways.  All of our relationships are affected by our behavior as well as our opportunities in business most importantly, our testimony before other people as well as our walk with God.

CODE OF CONDUCT FOR AUTHORITIES: There is a certain dignity that a King must possess and demonstrate.  However, a king’s greatest desire should be for wisdom to do the right things.  God does not make all things readily accessible or easily understandable.  These precious things such as wisdom and knowledge of God require reflection, study and determination to understand and appreciate. Leaders must dedicate themselves to this discovery and allow what they learn to impact every part of their lives.  Kings must be careful not punish evil and not keep company with wicked men so that his kingdom will be established and effective.  All of us are under authority and must understand that there is a code of conduct that we must follow in our relationship with them.  We should avoid taking every little matter before them.  It is better to be summoned then sent away because we are being bothersome.  Self-promotion before our authorities will almost always result in demotion.

CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ADVERSARIES: There are times when we will be at odds with the people around us, simply because both we and they are sinful.  At times this adversity between us will be because of their sin and at other times it will be because of our sin.  We must make every effort to solve these problems in private and not take our disputes to others, make them public or go to court over all of these things.  There are times when we think that we are right and our adversary is wrong but when it is all brought out in public we suddenly discover that we were the ones who were wrong because of negligence or ignorance.  In the end we end up being embarrassed.  It is far better to confront and discuss our disagreements in private and be able to learn from the reproof of others instead of being publicly shamed.  Instruction and confrontation given in private should be seen as a blessing to us and we should afford the same courtesy to all with whom we might disagree.  Even if others do not treat us this way, we should give them this courtesy because it may just turn our adversary into an ally.

CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ACQUAINTANCES:  We should do all that we can to be a blessing to all the people with whom we come in contact.  Our goal must be to be a source of refreshment to our neighbors as well as our family members.  The words we use should bring them instruction that is constructive as well as encouragement.  We should live lives of moderation and humility with our friends and family.  Our homes should be places of refreshment for ourselves and others but we should not presume that we can show up at our neighbor’s home at any time or often.  We all function better with space and proper boundaries.  We should be sad with those who are sad and sing with those who rejoice.  Our homes should be places of courtesy and not contention and our words should be a source of help and hope for all that we know.


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