Proverbs 11:1-30

There are consequences to our actions and the choices we make.  Too often we are tempted to take the easy road even if it is not the right road because it looks like it will bring us the greatest benefit.  However, this is an illusion that will eventually lead to ruin and great pain.  The consequences of disobedience are far greater than we would ever imagine.  We must always take time to consider the consequences of our choices and the way that others will be affected by what we do.  Above all, we consider how God will view our actions and the response that He will have towards our choices.  We may try to fool ourselves and others but we will never fool God.  Consequences are a reality for which we must all prepare.

CONSEQUENCES TO OURSELVES: There are both negative and positive consequences to our actions.  The wicked find themselves experiencing very negative consequences while the righteous enjoy positive ones.  Sin and wickedness brings so much heartache to our own lives.  When we are dishonest and proud it is because we eagerly want what is best for us.  Selfishness always wants good for self.  Ironically, self-interest is what brings on the greatest calamity and heartache we will ever face while humility and honesty will bring great rewards.  The wicked are taken captive, experience hopelessness, wrath and rejection; while the righteous are secure, full of hope and rejoice in the fruits of their obedience. 

CONSEQUENCES ON OTHERS: Unfortunately, the consequences of sin are not only on an individual.  Our sin has an effect on everyone that is around us because most of our sins are against other people.  The wicked slander their neighbors, cannot be trusted and end up hurting all of the people around them.  The righteous will give freely to help his neighbor, knows when to keep quiet and is greatly trusted by all those around them.  Entire communities can be laid low because of the wicked while the righteous live in joy and security within their homes and have peaceful relationships with all of their neighbors.  We will either be a blessing or a curse in the lives of the people around us.

CONSEQUENCES FROM GOD: As difficult as the natural consequences of sin may be in our lives, and as sad as the consequences of sin are on others; the greatest consequence of sin comes from God.  He is the true Judge of this world and nothing that is done, either good or bad, escapes His knowledge.  God’s wrath burns hot against sin and one day that wrath will come pouring out on those who have no fear of the Lord.  God’s love runs deep for those who fear Him, trust Him and love Him and He has rich rewards for those who walk in faith and obedience before Him.  There is no wrath like the wrath of God and there is no joy like the rewards from God.  We must learn to live our lives from the perspective of being observed and judged by an all-mighty, all-knowing and all-powerful God.


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