Proverbs 16:1-33

There is a way that things ought to be.  God has made this world to function in a certain way and things will always work better when we allow them to operate according to that plan.  Like on a good sports team, every member has a role to play on the team and it will always function best when each member of the team fulfills that particular role.  Things start to go downhill very quickly when one person stops doing his job in order to compete with the job that has been given to someone else.  All will work out better when we recognize our role and do it to the very best of our ability as intended by God.

THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD: We must all recognize that God is the sovereign of the universe.  He is in control of everything and everything exists for His glory and according to His purpose.  We can and should make plans but must be aware of the fact that God is the one who determines if and how those plans will come about.  We all think that our way is the right way and the best way, but only the Lord has the right to judge the reality of our lives.  We must do all things for God’s glory and seek to fulfill His purpose for our lives.  We must not allow pride to find a place in our hearts but must submit to the Lord trust Him.  When we let God be God and live under His rule, we will find peace with all men and God as well.

THE SINCERITY OF KINGS: Leadership is an awesome privilege but it is also a very heavy responsibility.  A good king will be wise in his use of words.  Justice is the responsibility of a leader to enforce.  The king should lead by example and he should appreciate and encourage all who are under his leadership to love truth and justice.  All who are evil should have great fear in a land where justice reigns just as the king’s favor should bring peace and prosperity to all who are just.  A king should value wisdom and honor far above wealth and even his position of power.  Kings must lead with great sincerity and integrity, for when he does so; both he and all of his subjects will be blessed.

THE SUBMISSION OF MEN: Perhaps the greatest demonstration of wisdom is humility.  Pride will always lead to destruction because God hates it and men resent it.  Poverty is far more desirable than pride.  We must learn to trust the Lord and place ourselves in submission to His authority.  All of our plans are under God’s sovereign care and will.  We are foolish to think that our own wisdom is greater than God’s.

THE SIMPLICITY OF WORDS: Our speech is a very powerful tool.  The words we use reveal the level of our maturity as well as our wisdom.  God wants us to use sweetness in our speech that in a blessing and an encouragement to the people around us.  We must use our words very carefully and always think before we speak.  What we say to other people should be a source of strength and joy to them.  We are not capable of judging our own words but must allow God to be the standard to which we strive to attain.  When we use our words to curse others and tear them down we only bring more trouble onto ourselves.  We must not stir up strife or use our words to gossip behind other people’s backs.  With age comes wisdom and the ability to control our mouths so that we can use our words in a very simple way to honor God and bring grace to those who hear us talk.


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