Proverbs 12:1-28

We all have influences on our lives and we are all influences on the lives of others.  We must be very careful about whom we allow to influence us but we also must be very aware of the way that we influence the people God puts into our paths.  Part of being created in the image of God is that we are relational beings just like He is.  We were created to relate with God and one another so we are only truly satisfied when we are experiencing healthy and biblical relationships with God and others.  There are many ways that we influence once another described in this chapter of Proverbs so we will look at how we can be sure to be wise through these influences.

THE INFLUENCE OF OUR MENTORS: God has placed people around us that should have a positive influence on our lives.  Usually our parents are the first people in this category then professors and pastors etc…  If we are wise we will love the discipline, knowledge and even the reproofs that come from these mentors in our lives.  Those who ignore or even hate these influences end up being stupid fools.  God wants us to be strong and productive and places people in our lives that help us to get there.  Our spouses are also very big influences in our lives they can either be a crown of joy or blight on our bones.  We must be careful about the sources of our counsel because they will either establish or destroy our lives.  There are people who are wise, have good sense, walk in humility and live according to righteousness.  We must strive to have these men and women influence us.  Unfortunately there are also many twisted people who are proud, pretend to be something that they are not, cruel, foolish and greedy men who we must learn to avoid and ignore. 

THE INFLUENCE OF OUR MOUTHS: Language is one of the most important means through which we influence and are influenced.  We must guard our lips, learn to work hard with our hands and listen closely with our ears so that when we do speak we can have a positive influence on the people around us.  When others offend us we must learn to let it roll off of our backs instead of complaining or gossiping about it.  Our mouths can either be like swords that cut or like swabs that heal.  We can use our words to deceive and destroy or to disciple and delight.  We must learn to use our mouths to communicate peace and grace so that those who hear us will experience true joy because of our influence.  Lies are offensive to God and destructive of others but He takes great pleasure in the truth.  We must learn that there is time to speak and a time to refrain from speaking.  Those who are wise will often remain quiet even when they are right because they know that the truth will not be welcomed or heard.  Fools love to hear the sound of their own voice so the spout off about everything even when they don’t know anything.

THE INFLUENCE OF OUR MOTIVES: The true influence that we have on people is through our hearts.  If we are diligent hard working people who what to be productive we will transmit that to all who are around us.  Those who live for ease and comfort will end up being forced to do the things that they hate.  We can either be controlled by fear and anxiety in our hearts or spread great joy to others through words of encouragement.  When we are submissive to the Lord we can be a guide to all who are close to us; unfortunately when we are rebellious others will also follow us to destruction.  We must use all of our resources wisely, work hard and rejoice in the fruits of our labors.  We must follow the path of righteousness so that others can follow us to everlasting life.


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