Proverbs 20:1-30

Discernment is a vital part of wisdom.  A wise person has the ability to distinguish between things that differ; the ability to discern between good and evil, worthy and worthless.  As we go through life we all face multiple choices about what we will do and how we will live our live.  Our ability to discern, determination to choose correctly and discipline to follow throw on those choices will define whether or not we are wise.  God has been gracious enough to give us a standard in His Word by which we can measure these things, so if we truly desire to gain discernment, our attention should be given to the Word of God. 

THINGS FROM WHICH WE MUST RUN: Alcoholic beverages are dangerous because they can easily lead us astray.  This does not mean that all who choose to drink them are living in sin it simply means that they run a greater risk of falling into a pattern of abuse that can easily lead to ruin.  Insubordination is a very dangerous game.  It may feel like bravery or liberty but it usually ends in bondage or even death.  Quarreling with the people around us is a foolish act that brings dishonor on all who do it.  Laziness pays immediate dividends of instant gratification but the eventual result is poverty and great sorrow.  Self-confidence and pride are dangers from which all men that are wise will flee.  It is of huge value to be aware of our own sinful hearts and to take the necessary measures to protect ourselves from ourselves.  Boasting about our abilities or promising love is easy to do but is of very little value; God is looking for men who are faithful and obedient in their actions.  Dishonest gain is an abomination to God.  We must recognize the sinfulness of our own hearts and learn to run from it.

THINGS FOR WHICH WE MUST STRIVE: A good reputation that is forged through consistent actions is a blessing to all of us.  Sensitivity to the Word of God is a gift from God.  A strong work ethic and a grateful heart will bring us prosperity and satisfaction.  Wisdom is the greatest treasure we could ever own for it will keep us from entering into foolish alliances.  Honesty and integrity may not be as exciting as stealing but the end of them is far more satisfying.  Counselors are a blessing from God and we would be wise to seek them out before making major decisions.  Self-control especially of our tongue will preserve friendships and prevent us from looking stupid.  Honoring our parents is a source of great blessing so we should do all we can to love and appreciate them even when they are not all that we might wish they were. 

THINGS ABOUT WHICH WE MUST THINK: Getting rich quickly is appealing to all of us but we must consider whether or not it is truly a blessing or a curse.  Revenge is a tempting response when others offend us but it is far wiser to leave that in the Lord’s hands.  God’s sovereignty in our lives is something that we must constantly remind ourselves about.  We will not always understand all that He plans for our lives and we must be okay with that.  Rash declarations and quick commitments are very dangerous.  We must take time and give careful consideration before we take a vow or proclaim something to be virtuous.  Our consciences come from God and we would do very well to consider how our conscience is leading us.  God knows our inner most thoughts and will judge them perfectly so we would do well to respond to the conscience now as we prepare for that day that we will stand before Him.  Love and faithfulness are the attributes that help a leader to be successful so we must cultivate these attributes.  Different stages in life have their advantages a wise person will think about his strengths and act accordingly.  Discipline is always painful but it also can be very beneficial because it can help us turn away from sin.  Pain can be a great source of gain for our character.


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