Ezekiel 22:1-31

When tragedy strikes our lives we often ask the question “why?”  We speculate as to why God would allow such a thing to happen in our lives.  In the previous chapter we saw how God would judge the nation of Israel with a sword in the hands of Nebuchadnezzar; in this chapter Ezekiel explains exactly why the nation would be judged in this manner.  Not every difficulty that occurs in our lives is due to personal sin; but in the case of Israel’s judgment, it most certainly was.  God does not allow sin to go unpunished and eventually will judge all mankind.  There is no sinless man apart from the Lord Jesus.  The only way any of us can escape the wrath of God over our sin is through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus to set us free from sin.  In order to convince us of the reality of God’s coming wrath He will often discipline men for sin.  Anytime we suffer it is wise to examine our hearts and lives for sin and then repent and take that sin to the cross of Christ.

A WIDE VARIETY OF SINS: Ezekiel sets out to demonstrate the wide variety of sins that marked the character of the nation of Israel.  There was not just one isolated sin or even category of sin; the nation had become corrupt on every level.  The nation had become infamous because of its violence against innocent people.  God had separated Israel to be an example of holiness and justice; instead their fame was one of corruption and injustice.  When God sent prophets to warn them of their sinfulness; the leaders put those godly men to death.  The nation had become idolatrous in that they made idols of all kinds before which they would bow down.  Instead or worshiping the God who had set them free and revealed Himself to them and their Creator, they preferred to worship that which they had created.  The nation had become immoral and was involved in all types of sexual sin.  The people were involved in all kinds of sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage.  Every kind of sexual abomination was practiced in Israel.  Women were violated during their menstruation; Incest within families became a common practice and adultery ran rampant in the land.  These and many more sins were the reason for God’s wrath on Israel and will not go unpunished in our own lives.

A WIDE VARIETY OF SINNERS: The corruption of sin spread to every level of the society in Israel.  It was not just an isolated group, but from top to bottom the nation was corrupt.  The princes were sinful in their leadership.  God had allowed the people to have a king as they requested but the royal families became completely corrupted by sin and led the people into corruption.  The priests were sinful in their worship.  God had established priests within the nation to represent the people before Him and Him before the people.  They were to promote the worship of the Lord in all the land.  Instead, they led the people into all kind of false worship and idolatry.  The prophets were sinful in their communication.  The purpose of the prophet was to reveal the Word of God and point the people to God.  Instead of warning the people of God’s coming wrath and calling them to repentance; the priests assured the people that they were secure in their sins and joined with the people in their sinful behaviors.  The people were sinful in their day to day lives.  Since the princes, priests and prophets were all sinful it only stands to reason that the people will be the same.  On every level from the old to the young, rich or poor, important or insignificant; the people of the nation of Israel were corrupt in their sin.  A nation that is so marked by sin cannot stand and God was going to bring it to its knees.  God wants us to stand firm on His Word instead of being swept away by the corruption of the culture in which we live.


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