Ezekiel 27:1-36
Ezekiel continues his condemnation of Tyre. He compares the city to a finely crafted ship
that was made of the best materials, was full of the choicest of merchandise and
was manned by the most skilled crew.
However, glorious vessel would fall to the bottom of the sea. Tyre was destined to be the Titanic. Pride is a very dangerous sin to practice and
will drag us down to the depths of despair.
TYRE WAS FULL: Tyre was considered to be a model city. Her location on the shores of the Mediterranean
Sea was strategic for both defense and commerce. She was built with the finest and most beautiful
of materials that were imported from all over the world. Her army was hand-picked from the finest of
solders in the region and they were equipped with the most sophisticated weapons
available to man. All of these strengths
made Trye a city of destination for all of the surrounding nations. Merchants from near and far flocked to Tyre
in order to buy and sell everything from food to precious metals. The riches of the region were all available
in Tyre. Prosperity is a dangerous thing
because it inevitably leads to pride.
This was the case of Trye and has been the case for many nations and
many men who thought they were above the Lord.
TYRE WOULD FALL: The fall of Tyre is illustrated as a
beautiful and fortified ship being taken to the depths of the sea by a skilled
crew only to have the ship sink to the ocean floor. Like the Titanic, Tyre was considered to be
unsinkable but there is no such thing with God.
At the fall of Tyre all the nations who did business with her and in her
would lament over the loss of such a wealthy trading partner. Every type of lament known to man is
described as having been given up over the fall of Tyre. Men cried, threw dust and ashes on their
heads, tore their cloths, pulled out their hair and threw themselves on the
ground. But all of the weeping and
wailing could not bring Tyre back and she was destroyed forever. Power, prosperity and pride are a very dangerous
combination and they all converged in Tyre.
We would do well to make sure that they do not meet in our own lives.
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