Ezekiel 30:1-26

Ezekiel continues to hear the word of the Lord against the nation of Egypt.  This is a lament for the nation due to the destruction that would come upon the nation.  God’s judgment on Egypt and all of the surrounding nations is severe and was brought on by their constant refusal to recognize Him as God.  Egypt worshiped many Gods’ and had multiple cities that were built in honor of different deities of their own imagination.  For generations the Egyptians ignored God and the multiple warnings He gave them but God would be ignored no longer.  He would get their attention through judgment.  Many in today’s society have become complacent in their prosperity and refuse to acknowledge God in their lives.  This is a very dangerous position.  God will not be ignored forever and the judgment of the Lord is very severe.

EGYPT WILL BE SUBDUED:  God’s Word comes to Ezekiel once again to proclaim judgment against Egypt.  God has determined to subdue this proud nation and destroy both the property and the people.  Multiple cities and regions of Egypt are named specifically as being the targets of God’s wrath.  These cites had been dedicated to a variety of false gods and idolatry was rampant in these different places.  Much like the plagues God brought down on Egypt were directed at various objects of worship; God’s coming judgment would be directed at different places of worship dedicated to false idols.  All of Egypt’s defenses would be stripped away and the nation would be destroyed by fire.  The Nile would dry up making it easier for the enemy to invade.  All of Egypt’s gods, armies and leaders would be powerless again the wrath of God.  A day is coming on today’s nations when God will step onto the stage of history and once again judge the nations that have refused to worship Him.  None of our idols will be sufficient to stand against the wrath of God.   

BABYLON WILL BE STRENGTHENED: While the arms of Pharaoh would be broken and rebroken to the point that he was no longer able to lift a sword to defend himself; God would be strengthening the arms of Nebuchadnezzar so that he could be God’s instrument of wrath.  God is the one who raises up nations and tears them down according to His sovereign will.  Egypt had been strong and the source of hope and security for Israel and many other nations in the region.  Those days were coming to a screeching halt.  God is going to break Egypt’s pride and build up the strength of Babylon’s army so that the armies of Egypt will be annihilated, the women of Egypt will be hauled off in captivity and all the nations that depended on Egypt for security will be vulnerable to the same attack.  God is not mocked and is in complete control of the rise and fall of nations.  Those who refuse to acknowledge Him and worship Him will fall under judgment from Him.


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