Ezekiel 38:1-23

The plans of God for the future of the earth are securely in His hands.  There is nothing that is hidden from Him and there is nothing beyond His control.  Every event of the past, present and future is a part of His sovereign plan.  Ezekiel looks into the future as God reveals His plans for the nation of Israel after this period of exile and judgment.  The fact that Israel would return to their land has already been established, but now Ezekiel looks into the distant future to a day when Israel will once again come under attack.  However, the results of this attack will be very different from the results of the Babylonian attack.  God is in control of this world and in control of the circumstances we face in life.  We may be surprised by the things that befall us, but God is never surprised.

ISRAEL WILL COME UNDER ATTACK FROM GOG: Ezekiel identifies coalition of nations that are led by and therefore referred to as Gog.  Many have identified Gog and Magog as Russia and Moscow.  However, this designation is certainly debatable.  Who these nations will be is something we can speculate upon, but is not crucial to our understanding of Scripture or our walk with God.  What we do know is that the nation of Israel would be restored to their land after the Babylonian captivity; we have already seen this take place.  We also know that at some point in after that restoration that this group of nations would come out to try to destroy the nation of Israel.  This seems to fit best with John’s description of the tribulation period spoken of in Revelation.  Once again, there will be a vast and strong army that will come out to attack Israel.  This has been a constant threat for the nation as a whole though out her history.  This world and its system will regularly come out against the people of God no matter what period of history in which we live.

ISRAEL WILL COME UNDER THE PROTECTION OF GOD: The result of this coming attack will be far different from the Attack of the Babylonian army.  As Gog gains strength and comes out with its greed motivated attacks; The Lord God will enter into action.  God will send a great earthquake that will frighten the army of Gog to the point that they will begin killing one another.  Then the Lord will rain down fire from heaven to consume them as the Lord stands in defense of the nation of Israel.  God’s ability to defend is far greater than any army’s ability to attack.  All the kings and nations of the earth are of very small strength in comparison to the mighty hand of God.  It is easy for us to stand in awe or in fear of powerful people or nations.  However, God makes it very clear that we are to trust in Him and live under the fear of the Lord.  Just as God has protected Israel in the past; so He will protect her in the future and He can protect us today.  We can rest in His sovereign control and His loving care no matter how strong our enemies may seem or how bleak our circumstances may become.


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