Ezekiel 28:1-26
Pride is at the heart of so many of our sins. Ezekiel
condemns the king of Tyre for his pride that made him believe that he was a god
and not just a man. It is a very
dangerous thing to allow our hearts to be filled with pride because it makes us
blind to our own foolishness as well as the consequences of our actions and
attitudes. Prosperity and power are two
of the greatest contributing factors to pride and the king of Tyre had plenty
of both. There is nothing inherently
wrong with prosperity; in fact God has often blessed His children with
prosperity. Power also is established by
God, but the danger is when we start to believe that they are deserved and fill
our hearts with pride.
THE PROBLEM OF PRIDE: Ezekiel reflects on the fall of three
men: the king of Tyre, Adam and the king of Sidon. All three of these men had great privilege. They were given positions of authority, they
had great wealth and they were powerful.
However, they all fell because of the pride that entered their
hearts. The king of Tyre thought himself
to be a god. Adam was deceived into
thinking he could become like God. The
king of Sidon was boastful and proud of his accomplishments and thought he was
beyond God’s ability to judge. This is
the path that Satan wants all of us to walk.
He tries to tell us we are great and convince us we can live independently
of God. This is foolishness. All of us are created by God and only exist
to be able to worship Him. When we leave
off our purpose for existence and begin to see ourselves as self-sufficient our
pride will lead us to a great fall.
THE PRIVILEGE OF PROMISE: Israel too fell because of her
arrogance and pride, but God is using this fallen state to bring her to
repentance. God is gracious and longs to
be reconciled with His people and all people.
He judges us so that we might recognize the foolishness and uselessness
of our pride and bring us to a saving knowledge of Himself. He will restore those who humble themselves
before Him. He has promised to restore
Israel and He will restore all who will repent and turn to Him through faith in
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