Ezekiel 29:1-21

It is a dangerous thing to claim the works of God as our own.  Ezekiel now turns his attention to the nation of Egypt and pronounces God’s judgment on this great and powerful nation.  Egypt is strategically located and had the Nile River flowing through its land.  The river provided water and carried fertile soil to the land of Egypt during its flood stages that would allow Egypt to be one of the most productive and powerful nations on the face of the Earth. This power went to her head and Egypt became a very proud nation and the rulers of Egypt saw themselves as deities.  God would not tolerate this self-idolatry so He declares judgment on Egypt as well.

THE PRIDE OF EGYPT: Egypt, like Tyre, Sidon and Assyria, thought she was too powerful and strong to fall under the attack of any other nation.  Egypt became a regional super power because of her fertile soil and great population.  This brought about a sense of pride in the people and especially in the rulers of the land.  Pharaoh, the title given to the leader of the land, viewed himself as god and required the people to worship him as god.  The wealth of the Nile was vital to the stability of the nation, so the Pharaoh claimed to have created the Nile by his own power and strength.  This, of course, was claiming the work of God as his own.  Ezekiel receives a Word from God about Egypt’s coming judgment that will remind Egypt and all the surrounding nations about who is actually the only God.  The image from God of Egypt is as a sea monster like a dragon of crocodile that is sitting in the midst of the Nile claiming to be the creator of the river.  God promises to put hooks in that monster and drag it and all the little fish clinging to the monster out into the desert where it will lay exposed for the birds of the air to come pick its bones clean.  When we take credit for the things that God does through us, we set ourselves up for judgment from God.  We must be constantly aware of our own shortcomings and weaknesses so we will be dependent on the Lord and not become proud before the Lord.

THE PLUNDER OF EGYPT: God used the Nebuchadnezzar and his army as His battle ax to execute judgment on the nation of Israel and the surrounding nations.  God calls Egypt His payment to the army of Nebuchadnezzar for all of their hard work.  Egypt fell under the judgment of God and she went from being proud to being plunder for another nation.  This was done so that Egypt, Israel and all the other nations who depended on Egypt and worshiped Egypt to learn that there is only one God.  Israel was born in Egypt and always seemed to be looking back over her shoulder for Egypt to protect her instead of looking to the Lord who had judged Egypt severely for not allowing Israel to leave.  When Israel escaped into the desert and had a little trouble, the first thing they thought of was returning to Egypt.  Throughout her history when Israel found herself under attach, she would call out for Egypt to come to the rescue.  Egypt occupied a place in Israel’s heart that should have belonged to God and God alone.  Once Egypt was judged Israel and all the nations who depended on Egypt would recognize that only God is worthy of their trust.  We cannot place our trust in men and depend on them in our times of trouble.  God will tear down our objects of worship so that He alone will occupy our affections and be the object of our worship.


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