John 1:9-13

Intentions can be wonderful but they can also be easily frustrated.  We make plans in hopes of achieving a positive result.  We examine our motives to make sure that they are pure.  We execute our project to the best of our ability.  We intend to bless others and be blessed by these efforts.  Unfortunately, that is not always the result.  Sometimes the people we were hoping to bless ignore our efforts or even worse become offended by them.  God is not like us.  He is never frustrated or taken by surprise.  However, as we read today’s text, or large portions of Scripture, for that matter; we cannot help but see that man’s response to God’s redeeming efforts fell far short of what it could have been.  Jesus came into the world to reveal God to man and to reconcile man to God.  Man’s response has ranged from indifference to outright rejection.  However, God’s plans, unlike ours, are never thwarted and will eventually have their desired effect.  The result of this will be eternal blessing for us and abundant glory for God.  Jesus is called the Light in this passage and John gives us three descriptions of the Light.

TRUTHFUL LIGHT: There are many sources of light that can easily distract us from the true Light.  Many people and religions claim to have the answers and they try to attract followers by shinning a wide variety of lights on the paths they want us to follow.  Unfortunately, the false lights only lead to heart ache and eternal damnation.  Jesus is the one and only true Light.  He came into the world to give us a clear and exact revelation of who God is and how we can be reconciled to Him.  He is the only Way, the only Truth, the only Light.  He came to enlighten every man.  God’s desire is that every man, woman and child on the face of the earth be reconciled to Him.  People all over this planet have been deceived by false lights and continue to grope around in the darkness without hope.  Jesus came to change all of that.  He came to show us how we can be saved from sin, who God is and how we can spend all of eternity with Him.  The question every man must answer is whether or not he is following that Light.  

TROUBLING LIGHT: As glorious as the light of Jesus is; He did not have the response that we would expect.  His desire was to shine in all of the world.  We might interpret this as being the Gentile world.  Though Jesus came into the world through the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people; His purpose from the very beginning was that all of the nations be blessed with the Light.  The problem is that the world  did not know Him.  Either they did not recognize Him as the true light or they were simply ignorant of who He was and what He came to do.  This is the terrible plight of many nations still today.  They continue to not recognize Jesus as the true light or they are simply ignorant of His existence.  The call of the church today is to broadcast the Good News that Jesus is the Light in all the nations.  Two-thousand years after John penned these words they continue to describe the sad reality of this world.  Besides coming to the world in genera he came to “His own.”  This is most likely a reference to the nation of Israel.  He was their countryman.  He had been foretold in the Scriptures of the Old Testament that God had revealed to Him.  He walked among them, did miracles before them and proclaimed the truth to them.  However, He was rejected by them.  The Gentiles didn’t recognize Him but the Jews rejected Him.  They doubted His message; they turned a blind eye to His miracles and they blasphemed their Messiah.  In the end they convicted Him as a criminal and turned Him over to be crucified.  This was an utter and complete rejection of Jesus as the Light.  Unfortunately, this also continues to be a common response all over the world today.  Where the truth of the Gospel has been proclaimed and the Scriptures have been made abundantly available; millions of people continue to reject Jesus as the Light.  

TRANSFORMING LIGHT: There was a third response to Jesus as Light.  Some people received Him.  They believe that He is the promised Messiah.  They recognize Him as the true Light.  They worship Him as their Lord.  They trust Him as their Savior from sin.  The result of this proper response to the light is that they are transformed from children of darkness and death to children of God who will inherit eternal life.  This transformation is what every man desperately needs.  This transforming Light is available to all men everywhere.  It does not matter what type of blood flows in our veins; this transforming Light is available to those with Jewish blood and Gentile blood.  This transformation does not happen because of the strength of our own flesh to keep a list of rules and regulations or observe rituals.  This transformation does not take place because of human effort or any determination on the part of man.  This transformation is the supernatural work of God in the heart of every man who believes on Jesus Christ.  As long as men strive to be saved based on their race, rules and rituals they continue to be condemned in darkness.  When a man recognizes Jesus Christ as the Son of God and believes that He has died and risen again in order to set him free from sin; that man is born again.  He is born into the family of God and has the privilege of living for all of eternity in the glorious Light.

APPLICATION: We must examine our own response to the Light of Jesus.  Have we failed to recognize Him?  Have we rejected Him?  Have we received Him?  We must examine our own faith.  Are we trusting in our race or the “faith of the family?”  Are we trusting in the rules that we keep?  Are we trusting is some religious ritual or experience?  Has the Light of Jesus truly transformed us?  We must proclaim the message of the Light of Jesus to all the nations of the world.  This has been God’s intention from the beginning and it must be the driving force behind all that we do. 


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