Luke 2:8-14

Angels play a very large role in the birth of Jesus.  The birth of Jesus was not like any other birth for obvious reasons.  His conception by the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary was a unique event in History.  The announcements made to Mary, Joseph and Zacharias were also made by angels who were preparing the way for the incarnation.  These are not events that happen on a regular basis by any means.  However, in some ways these people all had to be informed of what was going on as they were “key players” in these events.  Today’s passage is not like that.  The angels filled the sky with songs of praise that announced the birth of Christ to some shepherds that were out in the fields that night.  There was really no necessity to inform the shepherds of this glorious event.  It just seems that it was unacceptable for the birth of Jesus to take place in almost complete anonymity.  The word of the incarnation simply had to be proclaimed and the angels were given this task.  This revelation of the angels shows us some important truths about the workings of God in the lives of men.   

THE FEAR IN THE FIELDS: Any time that men come into contact with that which is perceived as being divine; the response is always one of fear.  When the angel from the Lord appeared to them in his glory; the shepherds were stricken with fear.  We can see this same type of response repeatedly in Scripture.  One minute the shepherds are out in the field watching their sheep just like every other night; the next minute a glorious angel is talking to them.  I think that all of us would and should have a similar reaction.  There are those who claim to experience divine encounters and treat them as “normal” events in their lives.  There is every reason to question these types of claims based on the consistent example of Scripture.  When God manifests Himself to us in any way: His Word, the leading of the Spirit, His presence in prayer…; the proper response is humble reverence.  It is a glorious thing to be a part of God’s working in the world and we should not take it lightly.  When God makes it clear how He wants to involve us in His work; we should obviously obey but we should not be surprised if we feel fearful in these circumstances.  The consistent instruction of angels in Scripture is to “fear not.”  God is to be feared as He is the just Judge of the world.  However, serving God in any capacity is a great honor that should fill our hearts with joy.

THE SIGN OF A SAVIOR: The angel’s message to the shepherds was clear.  They made it known that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem.  The news of the birth of Jesus was great news for two reasons.  The first is that He is our Savior.  Jesus came to save us from sin.  Sin is our greatest enemy and we desperately need to be saved from it.  Jesus came to do precisely that.  The second reason is that this salvation is for all people.  The message of salvation is not exclusive.  No race is excluded from God’s plan of salvation.  No social or economic class is left out of God’s promise for salvation.  No level of intelligence, gender or age can separate us from God’s gracious and glorious give of salvation.  Every man, woman and child on the face of this planet can be assured that salvation through Jesus is available to them.  They were given a sign as to how to recognize the Savior.  They would find this baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.  Bethlehem was not very large at this time in history, more than likely it was significantly under 1,000 inhabitants.  The birth of a baby would not be hard to discover in this town and then to find him in a manger wrapped in cloths would be confirmation.  It was very important that there be a clear identification of Jesus.  Since salvation is by faith; this supernatural identification of Jesus was a very helpful start to the accomplishment of God’s plan.

THE PRAISES FOR PEACE: Once the angel had finished the content of his message; the sky erupted with angels who lifted their voices in song.  This must have been an astounding experience.  There are certain events of history that I hope we will have the ability to witness when we get to heaven; this is one of them.  The content of the song that they sang was no accident and should be given careful consideration.  There are basically two important themes to the song: the glory of God in heaven and the peace of men on the earth.  One is not possible without the other.  God’s glory in heaven is always a prerequisite to man’s peace on earth.  Any peace we experience of earth should motivate us to glorify God in heaven.  The key to experiencing peace on earth is the favor of God on our lives.  Man has lived in constant conflict on earth because of his rebellion against God.  As long was men seek to bring glory to themselves, disobey God and refuse to worship God as we were created to do; we will never find peace.  The fact that God has taken upon Himself the task of saving us from our sin should fill our hearts with awe.  God has a glorious plan of salvation that is worth of our loudest and highest praise.  Whenever we feel and absence of peace in our lives we should immediately examine to see if we are giving glory to God in our lives.  The path to peace on earth is praising the glory of God in heaven.

APPLICATION: Rejoice in the honor of being able to know and serve God in any capacity.  Jesus came to save us from sin.  This should fill our hearts with relief, joy and a great desire to flee from sin.  Seek to live a life of peace through praising God’s glory.  


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