Luke 2:25-30

Who we are and what we do is very important to God.  The two are linked to one another.  Our character determines our productivity before the Lord.  It is possible and even common for people of low moral character to accomplish many impressive things in the sight of man.  However, those things will all burn away in the judgment of God.  They are wood, hay and stubble in God’s eyes.  From man’s perspective there are people who have great character that seem rather unproductive.  They don’t build much, they don’t have much and they many live in poverty and obscurity.  However, their lives and their efforts are of great significance to God.  He sees them as gold, silver and precious stones.  Today’s text introduces us to an obscure person named Simeon who was used of God to bless Jesus in the temple and to reveal who Jesus was as well as what He would do.  It is always a great honor to be involved in the work that God is accomplishing on this earth.  God uses people who are devoted and submissive to Him.

A DESCRIPTION OF WHO SIMEON WAS: When we are introduced to Simeon the Scriptures make it a point to describe his character.  We learn that he was a righteous and devote man.  He was a man that sought to live according to the will of God and he was devoted to the glory of God.  These two qualities must always go hand in hand.  It is possible for people to walk in a fleshly form of righteousness in an effort to promote themselves.  This is nothing but pride idolatry stuffed in the skin of behaviorism.  True righteousness that comes from God will always be accompanied by humility and be motivated by God’s glory and not our own.  We also learn that he was a hopeful man.  He recognized the promises of God and fixed his eyes upon the hope of the coming of Messiah.  John Piper calls this “faith in future grace.”  Simeon believed that the promises of God were true and he waited expectantly for them to happen.  More importantly, he lived in light of that hope.  We must realize that hopeful waiting is a big part of living a life that is pleasing to God.  It is so easy for us to get caught up in the here and now of our lives.  This leads to fear, anger, anxiety and depression as the effects of the fall are evidenced all around us.  God does not want us to live like this.  He wants us to joyfully and faithfully look forward to an eternity with Him that makes any suffering in the present fade into insignificance.  This holy and hopeful life was only possible for Simeon because he was filled with the Spirit.  The truth of the matter is that none of us are righteous and none of us live in light of eternity apart from the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Our identity in found solely in Him.

A DECLARATION OF WHAT SIMEON WOULD DO: Because of Simeon’s holiness and hopefulness through the power of the Holy Spirit; God give him a great privilege of performing a very special task.  God revealed to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah.  Generations of Jews had dreamed of the day that they would see Messiah.  Simeon was assured by God that he would personally see the Person through whom His promises would come true.  He went to the temple on a regular, if not daily, basis and was most likely wondering “is today the day?”  That day finally arrived as the Spirit reveled to Him that this baby named Jesus that was being presented in the temple by this poor couple was actually the Messiah.  Imagine the sense of awe and the racing of his heart as he gently took Jesus from Mary’s arms into his own and he realized that he was holding the Son of God.  The only possible response that he could have in that moment was to praise God.  Worship is the immediate and automatic reaction of every person who truly comes into the presence of God.  This experience filled his heart with peace, joy and assurance.  This is how God wants all of us to live but it is only possible as we have faith in the promises of God and experience the presence of God in our lives.  Simeon declares that he can now die in perfect peace for God’s promises to him had come true.  All of God’s promises always come true which is why faith is vital to hope.  The next thing that Simeon does is to testify to all around him about who Jesus truly was.  If the first response of coming into the presence of God is worship than it only stands to reason that the second response is that of testifying.  We say that “misery loves company.”  The Bible teaches us that “joy loves company.”  When our hearts have been invaded by the peace, joy and hope; it is only natural that our mouths will overflow with words of praise and testimony to others.  Because of who Simeon was in the power of the Spirit he was filled with praises of God, was filled with the peace of God and his mouth was full of proclaiming God to other.

APPLICATION: Holiness in character must be our priority each and every day.  Hope in the promises of Christ must be the anchor of our faith.  Dependence on the Holy Spirit must be the means through which these goals are accomplished.  Worship must flow from a life lived in the presence of God.  Peace must be the dominating emotion of our lives.  Proclaiming the greatness of God must be the primary activity of our lives.


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