Matthew 1:18-25

Planning is a part of all of our lives.  Some people love to plan and seem to have their lives scheduled out for the next five years.  Others are less structured and like to kind of take life as it comes on a moment by moment basis.  However, both types have dreams and aspirations that they plan to fulfill in their lives and they make decisions based on those hopes.  No matter what our tendency in the area of planning, it is important that we recognize God’s sovereignty in all of our planning.  We know very little about Joseph, the man who was engaged to be married to Mary and the earthly father of Jesus.  We know that he was a manual laborer who likely had a rather simple plan laid out for his life.  This plan might have looked something like: marry Mary, work hard, raise a family, be faithful.  He is called a just man.  He seems to love Mary deeply.  Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined the way that his plans would be changed by the Lord.  His role in life turned out to be far different that he had imagined but through it all he was sensitive and submissive to the will of God.

JOSEPH MAKES HIS PLAN: When Joseph finds out that Mary is pregnant he sets a plan in motion to dissolve their engagement quietly so as not to cause further embarrassment to Mary.  We do not know how he discovered the pregnancy; but we must be careful not to impose our “dating culture” on their situation.  This was likely an arranged marriage and the two of them, more than likely, had very little knowledge of one another and even less contact with one another.  It is very unlikely that Mary was able to sit down with Joseph over a cup of coffee and explain to him about her encounter with Gabriel.  It is far more likely that he got word of her condition through other sources that could tell that Mary was with child.  Once the rumors were confirmed, Joseph set his plan into motion to end their engagement without publicly humiliating her or brining her to judgment.  The reality of the situation was that his plans were going to have to change.  He knew that he was not the father so he must have presumed that Mary had been unfaithful.  His hopes and dreams of a happy marriage and raising a family with Mary came crashing down around him.  Life as he knew it would never be the same.  Most of us end up facing situations in our lives where we come to an unexpected turn of events.  During these times we must not run from God, doubt God’s goodness or become angry with God.  These are the moments in life through which God is usually at work to build our character and make improvements to our plans.

JOSEPH HEARS GOD’S PLAN: God comes to Joseph in his sleep through a vision in which an angel told him of the Holy Spirit being the Father of Mary’s child.  He is instructed to go through with his original plan of taking Mary as his wife.  God reveals to him that this child would be named Jesus and that He would save His people from their sins.  This was clearly a revelation to Joseph that Mary’s baby would be the Messiah promised in Scripture.  Joseph would have known these prophecies about the Messiah, but it is very likely that he, like most people who read the Scripture, could not have known exactly how it would be that a virgin would conceive and give birth to the Messiah.  God reveals His plan to Joseph.  It must have been an incredible moment in Joseph’s life when he realized that he would be part of the God’s plan for bringing the Messiah into the world.  His life would never be the same.  God’s plans for our lives rarely line up with how we imagine that things will be.  But He is in control and He is sovereign and absolutely knows what He is doing.  We can rest assured that His plans and His ways are higher than ours.  When God’s plans begin to shake our plans to the core we must remember to trust Him fully.  

JOSEPH DOES GOD’S PLAN: As we look back on Joseph’s decision to go through with God’s plan for his life it seems like the obvious choice to make.  I don’t think that there was anything easy about this choice.  His life would never be the same.  There would be questions from family and friends about Mary’s presumed infidelity.  There would be many who would presume the couples promiscuity.  In Joseph’s day these were important issues that carried great stigmatisms.  Those issues coupled with the fact that he would be the father of Messiah were not an easy task to take on by any stretch of the imagination.  His hopes and dreams of a “normal” life and “typical” family would never happen.  Joseph answered the call and stepped up in obedience to do just exactly what God called him to do.   His plans went out the widow and God’s plans now became his new plans.  This is the expectation that God has for all of our lives.  There is nothing wrong with us making plans for what we want to do; but we must hold these plans loosely in our hands and make it clear that God is free to make radical changes at any time He so chooses.  God has a mission to accomplish in this world and He desires to use us in the fulfillment of that mission.  All of our plans must seek to prioritize His mission for us and we must be flexible in our directions as we seek to follow His will.  When we insist on our own plans we will inevitably miss out on tremendous blessings from God in our lives.

APPLICATION: We should all make plans to the best of our understanding of God’s will revealed in Scripture.  God’s mission to reach the nations with the Gospel must be the priority in all of our planning.  Our plans must always be open to amendment and redirection from the Lord as He determines how He can best use us in the fulfillment of His mission in and through us.


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