Luke 2:15-20

The announcement of the Angels about the birth of Jesus to the shepherds set into motion a series of events that contributed to establishing the true identity of Messiah.  One thing that we notice is that the shepherd’s new found knowledge cased them to spring into action.  There was no way that they could pretend that nothing had happened.  This is always the proper response to any encounter with God or understanding that comes from God’s Word.  Knowledge of the truth is a great blessing that must change the direction of our lives and motivate us to pass it on to others.  We don’t control how others will respond to what we say; that is not our responsibility.  We are, however, responsible to repeat the truths that God teaches us.  We can see that this is exactly the reaction that the Shepherds had.

RESOLVE TO FIND THE TRUTH: The immediate response of the shepherds was to go confirm the message that they had been given.  They had just been informed that Messiah was born and they wanted to go and find Him.  They had likely been praying for Messiah to come but never in their wildest dreams would they have been able to guess that the announcement of His arrival would be given to them.  I am sure that they were also taken aback by the content of the message that they had received. Messiah would be wrapped in cloth lying in a manger!  This would have certainly been an unexpected presentation of Messiah.  They were expecting a powerful political figure to throw off Roman oppression.  Instead Messiah came as a humble baby that was born in obscurity apart from the fact that they had just witnessed an angelic choir singing about His glory.  They had to go and see this miraculous baby for themselves.  There was no priority higher than going to see the baby that the angels described.  Excuses about being busy with the sheep were not even considered.  God continues to reveal His truth to us today.  Singing angels are rare occurrences but He constantly instructs us through His Word and convicts us by His Spirit.  When God’s truth is revealed to us we must not make excuses or delay our response.

REVELATION OF THE TRUTH: When we have great news it is almost impossible to contain it.  Once they found Jesus just as the angels had promised they would; they could not stop talking about what they had seen and heard.  By the time the shepherds arrived it is very likely that there were other family members present besides Mary and Joseph.  Perhaps some neighbors had been informed of the birth that was most likely expected by those in the neighborhood.  The text says that “all who heard it” were amazed; so it seems that there were more people there than just Mary, Joseph and Jesus.  The point is that they simply had to spread the good news that they had been told.  This would serve as further confirmation to Mary and Joseph as well as provide a testimony for those first witnesses concerning the true identity of this baby.  They knew who Messiah was and there were not about to keep that news to themselves.  We know who Messiah is and we must never keep that knowledge to ourselves.  Our priority in life is to proclaim to others that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and that He has died and risen again in order to forgive and free us from sin.  We don’t know much about the identity of these men or what they went on to do after these things.  We do know that they told all that they met about their testimony and about the birth of Messiah.  This is an example that all of us must follow.

RESPONSES TO THE TRUTH: There are three groups of people mentioned in the text and we are told of their individual or collective responses.  The first group is all the people who heard the shepherd’s testimony. Their response was to wonder at the things that they heard.  In don’t think that this means they were scratching their heads trying to decide whether or not to believe it.  I think this means that their moths were handing open in amazement at what they were told and witnessed.  They were simply astounded by the fact that they were in the presence of Messiah and that they knew about His arrival at the earliest possible moment.  I think they were simply so thankful to see what they saw and be where they were at that moment in time.  The second response is that of Mary; who treasured these things in her heart.  She knew the truth before the shepherds did, but it had to have been a blessing for her to have others confirming the miraculous baby to whom she had given birth.  I imagine that she had gotten into the habit of pinching herself just to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming during those months leading up to this night.  She was grateful to play the role she did and blessed by the excitement, company and confirmation of the shepherds.  Finally, we have the response of the Shepherds themselves who, probably reluctantly, realized that they did need to leave the new family with some privacy so they could rest.  They went on their way full of rejoicing and glorifying God.  All had happened according to the word of the angels and they were thrilled that they had just been in the presence of Messiah.  God had kept His promise and had included them in the process.  Their response was to worship God.  Wonder, a sense of well-being and worship are the proper responses to being instructed and used by God.

APPLICATION: When God reveals His will to us we are expected to take immediate action.  Doubt and delay are dangerous tactics that come from a sinful heart.  We must proclaim the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus to Christ to all who are around us.  We know the truth and must not keep it to ourselves. It is an honor to know and proclaim the truth it should constantly amaze us that we are given that honor.


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